Motivating Monday (on Wednesday): Where We've Been!
It's Time To Rise Where We've Been It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here (potentially again). I'm so excited and grateful to share a little bit about where we've been. This entry could be long so I'm going to direct you to an entry I posted a little more than a year ago called "Portraits of Our Poverty" . It will give you a good idea of where we've been. Even if you don't read the post, the pictures will speak to you. The date on the title of the blog post is actually wrong. It's NINE months off! It says November but it was written in February. I decided not to fix it. Perhaps that will give you a glimpse into my state of mind back then! Right now, I want to give you some of the highlights of the last 3 years. In case you missed it, on Monday, I wrote about Where We're Headed . On Tuesday, I wrote about Where We Are Now . Today it's about some of the lessons I've learned based on where we've been. Th...