Motivating Monday: Caravan of L.U.V.

Caravan of L.U.V.

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here.

For those who don’t know me, my name is Kara Lynn Sanders. Most people know me as Kai. I have the absolute privilege of being the mom and student for a young Black male superhero who is 6. The name God gave him is Wisdom. He is my heart beating outside of me. If you know him, you LOVE him. I often say he is the most Loved child ever.

Thank you for investing your time with us a little longer if you're looking for more information based on the video I sent. Here's what I'm looking to achieve.

My imagination has given me a scene. This is important to me because Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is everthing". Not too long ago, I wrote a blog post about it. I'm reaching out to you to help me bring this scene to life.

My son and I have been panhandling for the last 2 weeks to make a conscious, consistent move out of poverty. We are about half way to our goal of "5K to help poverty go away" but could really use a large leap forward. 

The scene playing in my mind is a line of cars slowing going by where we're set up with people wanting to invest $1 or more dollars. I can also hear the notifications on my phone alerting me of deposits into my Venmo and Cash App accounts. The name God gave this experience is the Caravan of L.U.V.!

There was a song called Caravan of Love back in the late 80s. Change up the lyrics a little bit and I'd have a theme song for this event. The chorus doesn't need to be changed though. It simply says "Every woman, every man, join the Caravan of Love". That is my invitation to you. The only difference is how Love is spelled. Instead of Love, it's L.U.V. which stands for "learn ur value".

L.U.V. Enterprises is the parent company for the first two projects I'm working to launch this year: The NEW Emancipation Proclamation and P.A.I.D. 2 Parent.

Will you help us? Will you help me and my son Wisdom realize our goal of a home? Will you help us move from poverty to prosperity? 

Again my imagination says $1 from each person is all we need. That’s our request. If you're able to join us we are will be set up tonight, Monday, March 28 from 5-8p on the sidewalk on Wake Towne Drive outside of the entrance to the Wegmans parking lot. It is not in the main flow of traffic and there is a breakdown lane there you can stop at.

If you are not able to come in person, will you please help us reach our goal by contributing before the end of the month, Thursday, March 31. The information you need to submit your investment is below, if you have not done so already. Please use one of the following:

~ Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

~ Credit or debit card:

~ PayPal: 

~ Venmo: @KaraKai1313, (last 4 of phone#: 3861)

Thank you in advance if this is your first time investing in us.  

If you feel compelled to contribute more, thank you in advance. 

Thank you again if you are adding another $1 to your previous investment. 

If you are unable to contribute financially at this time, thank you for the investment of your time. That is a precious gift, one you will never get back. I hope it have felt and will eventually receive a noticeable return for it.

We Love and appreciate you. Enjoy the amazing day you’re creating. Peace…

P.S.: To keep up with our endeavors:


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