Motivating Monday (on Sunday): November 7, 2021


Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. I know it's only one day from Monday. It would seem like I would just wait one more day to post this article or schedule it to post tomorrow. But... God is so amazing. And I had to share today.

The title of this post is called "Exhausted" because I am exhausted by the ways God blesses my son, Wisdom and I. I mean He is over the top in the way He favors us. And then He gives us the honor of favoring others. 

There are times when I get tired by the things Wisdom and I do. At times it feels like the ways we are moving is a waste of time versus an investment. BUT GOD... He takes those experiences and just as He promises, He makes "all things work together for [our] good". 

Yesterday (Saturday, 11.6) was a days of too many bus rides with long wait times between them which often feels like "lost" or wasted time. How the day ended showed me that we were in all the right places at all the right times. 

We had an unexpected opportunity to speak with Jumping Frog last night, who you can meet briefly in this YouTube video. I wanted to show her the membership card for The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. She is featured on with Wisdom. If you read the description of the video, you'll find out why. 

She's a blessing to us. She possesses the 3Cs we are looking for. Last night, in an interesting turn of events, we were allowed to gift back to her some of what she has given to us. It's not always that way. There are times we receive goodness from one person yet we pay that goodness forward to another person. 

L.U.V. is looking for more people with the 3Cs: commitment, compassion and crazy who will help change the world. 

We are looking for people who are willing to gift to us so we can pay it forward to others. 

We're especially looking for Funders and Funder/Founders who will invest financially to help us initiate the work of moving individuals and families from poverty to prosperity.  

If possess the 3Cs and are interested in becoming a member of The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club your membership can be done in one of two ways. The invested investor where you complete the Be 3C With Me Funder/Founder Form, invest $100 or more and receive all the benefits associated with the membership. You can also be an investor without involvement and just receive a monetary return. 

The benefits of being a Funder or Funder/Founder are:
~Receive double return on investment in 60 days or less (i.e.: invest-$100, return-$200)
~Bi-weekly updates on financial journey via Zoom call @ 7p, Thursdays: November 11 & 25, December 9 & 23.
~Bi-weekly printable download via email: Thursdays: November 6 & 20, December 2, 16 and 30.
~Eternal gratitude for:
*Being willing to help change the world by moving individuals and families from poverty to prosperity
*Being 3C: committed, compassionate and crazy
*Having a passion for parenting

~The downloads include, but are not limited to:
*My personal parenting guidelines, philosophies, tips, lessons found in a collection called "Wisdom-isms". They are lessons I never would have learned if I had not had a son and many I learned directly from him, so they are named after him.
*Voucher to attend the 8 week Circle of Security training to use or gift
*Invitation to Human Rights Day Weekend Celebrations

If you would like to be an invested investor please complete the form. The various ways to invest are located at the bottom. If you would like to be an investor without involvement you can contribute in one of the following ways: 

~Cash App: $WisdomsStudent1223

~Credit or debit card: 


~Venmo: @KaraKai1313, (last 4 of phone#: 3861)


There is no preference. They are listed in alphabetical order. Whatever is most convenient for you. The return on your investment will be sent the same way you invested.

Thank you again for your interests and support. Please feel free to pass this on. The journey is far from being over. Really it's only just begun. For sure I know, the best is yet to come. Thank you for being a part of it.  May you be exhausted by the gifting and receiving. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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