Motivating Monday (on Thursday): February 25, 2021

Time To Shine Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. This has been a long, full day. It's after 7:30 p.m. and I'm finally creating the time to work on this. It has been such a crazy amazing week and I have been waiting for this day to come. Of all of the days in the month of February, this one is the most important to me: February 25. February 25, 1930 is the day my maternal grandmother (my mom's mom) was born ⭐. Cora Dean Lee Sanders, my Nana (nah-nah not nan-na), was a regal woman and cared for me while my mom worked. Her husband, my grandfather, Alexander, (MeMe is what we called him) was equally regal with length to his stature. I Love these two people. I have fond memories of both π. I remember sitting between my Nana's legs getting my hair braided. That conjures up memories of me sitting on the chair in the kitchen waiting for the hot comb to heat up on the stove. She would use it...