
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blue Moon Edition: Part 2

Continued from Part 1 THE K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. CLUB I am thrilled to introduce The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. There is no better way to express true Love than with a kiss and a hug. So what better way could there be to show L.U.V. Love than to K.I.S.S. and H.U.G.? Ready for what it means?  This acronym means:  " K eep (or keeping)  I t  S amaritan  S tyle and  H elp  U s  G row!"  The Samaritan was an investor. Initially he invested his personal time and energy in helping the certain man he found wounded on the road. Then he spent one night with him, caring for him. When he no longer had time to invest he invested funds. The Samaritan was an investor.  The host became an investor too. It's possible they would help care for the certain man, but not full time. As I mentioned, they would have to engage their community in the opportunity to help the certain man completely recover. The host would also have to invest his own money until the Sama...

Blue Moon Edition: Part 1

Welcome and welcome back! I'm so excited you are here. Thank you for joining me. It's been a few weeks. As usual I have so much on my mind. BUT this is different because it's On Fire Friday , not a Motivating Monday. Here's what I've got to talk about *Motherhood and Management *Living the Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan *The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club *Relaunch Let's get started! MOTHERHOOD AND MANAGEMENT L.U.V. and I participated in The Small Business School Challenge two weekends ago. To say I am VERY excited about all the information I received to help L.U.V. grow is a HUGE understatement. What is also an understatement is how VERY overwhelmed I am considering how to accomplish it alone.  But God... He granted me a short hiatus to get clear about where He wanted me to go. That played out to look like me not doing anything in two weeks! No Motivating Mondays. No L.U.V. Notes. No Facebook/Instagram posts since the competition.  Now, if I was flying solo I w...

Thoughts for Thursday ~ The Small Business School Challenge

Welcome and welcome back! What an exciting couple of weeks it has been for L.U.V. Enterprises. You'll have to excuse me for essentially disappearing. Life has been insane. And I couldn't be more grateful for the insanity. It's been so amazing.  First of all I want to thank The Small Business School Challenge who granted me the opportunity to participate. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up. So let me tell you a little bit about it before I continue. "What had happened was..." there are these small business schools across the country who put together about 20 teams of three MBA students. These teams are then partnered with businesses across the country. The purpose of the team is to find out the needs of the business and create a plan to help them thrive in this new economy. The plan is to be implemented over a period of twelve months. This all happens in about 48 hours.  There is a local competition between the student teams of the busin...

Mid Week Message: EXCITING NEWS!!!

Welcome and welcome back! I'm so grateful you are here with me.  I want to take a quick moment to announce that L.UV. Enterprises has been selected to participate in The Small Business School Challenge . It is a 48 hour long competition where my business has been paired with 3 MBA students from Duke Fuqua Business School. They will assist me in creating an action plan to move my projects past COVID!  I am so thrilled because while I was going through the motions of doing all the things I felt I should do, I was stuck. It was like once I was accepted to participate my juices started flowing again.  I tapped into God again.  He spoke. I listened. I followed His direction. Then others He had prepared for me spoke. Now I'm being positioned to do great things again. My mind is clear and my path isn't so foggy anymore.  I've got lots of work to do in the next little while and I'm excited to see where things lead.  Money is needed to accomplish the things God put ...

Motivating Mondays ~ October 12, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday. It's my favorite day of the week. Thank you so much for being here.  Before I go any further, I need to recognize my moms who had a birthday yesterday (Sunday, October 11). It's not belated because I spoke with her. I'm just catching you up (wink, wink, smile). We had a good conversation about all sorts of things. Some of the more memorable topics included her ideal funeral and that fly on Mike Pence's head. Everyone should have such intriguing conversations with their parent(s). You can catch up with her on Power Muzic Radio , where "R&B is our universal language". Her show is called Ronnie's Spirit and it airs LIVE every Saturday night to Sunday morning, 10p-5a. You will not be disappointed as she plays the music that "soothes your soul." Happy Birthday Mom!  Now back to L.U.V., here are this week's topics: Introducing the NEW Emancipation Proclamation: Intake #SpreadLove #SpreadLUV Senior Sponsor...

Motivating Mondays ~ October 5, 2020

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday! Happy 1st Monday in October! Thank you so much for being here. It's October Ya'll!  There is so much on my mind. I hope you will bear with me. Here are the topics of this week's post: On Loss..., Part 2 (Part 1 can be found here .) #SpreadLove #SpreadLUV Announcements Sponsor Spotlight Thank Yous ON LOSS..., Part 2 This is a year so many wish would come to an end sooner than it will. There has been so much loss. Death and illness continue even to those not affected by COVID-19. Life is a precious gift. And the ONLY guarantee we have about life is it will come to an end. Knowing the end is coming doesn't make the loss any easier though.  I need to take a moment to get personal. I want to send Love to my cousins Stevie and Shody (their childhood nicknames) for the loss of their dad on the first of this month. This one is especially challenging to reflect on because they are my only cousins (of my first cousins) who have lost both pa...

Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign Updates

Welcome and welcome back! Thank you so much for being here. This is a special post from L.U.V. Enterprises Presents.  A couple of weeks ago I announced I would be doing a regular weekly blog post on Mondays. But today, Saturday, October 3rd is a special day, the beginning of a very special weekend. Personally, two of my sisters have birthdays today, born 11 years apart (Happy Birthday Keya and Kourtney). Professionally, I'm adding an incentive to the Spread Love. Spread L.U.V.! Campaign.  Before I talk about the incentive though, I want to explain how everything I'm doing right now is connected. I have my hands in so many things that I get but from the outside world it might make no sense. Thank you to Eric Rainey for that insight! So let me take a minute to play catch up and introduce the different aspects of what is happening with L.U.V. right now! 1. L.U.V. Enterprises is the parent company for all the projects I'm working on right now and any in the future. 2. The NEW...