
Showing posts from June, 2020

Thoughtful Thursday

It's Thoughtful Thursday. This thought builds on what I've been saying "seek first to understand, then to be understood". In the days following the murder of George Floyd cities across the nations were thrown into chaos. Businesses would be looted and riots would take place. Buildings would be burnt and lives would be forever changed for those whose lives were in those businesses and buildings without being George Floyd, the officers or those associated with them. I've read articles and watched videos of so much good that has brought communities together, stronger than they were before. And of course, there are the heartbreaking stories of more police brutality, more citizen crimes and of lives senselessly lost in relation to "the straw that broke the camel's back". In the city of Raleigh where my son and I stay, there were two shootings in the neighborhood we've been staying in. Saying "the neighborhood" we live in is an understatement...

Wisdom for Wednesday

Greetings and much Love. I have some Wisdom for Wednesday. Continuing on with the theme of the last two days, there is one thing that would make understanding of ourselves and each other so much easier. It is recognizing we are NOT products of politics. We are ALL products of parenting. EVERYONE is! It doesn't matter who the parent was/is: mom, dad, both, grands, other family, foster parents, strangers. It matters how they parented especially in the first five years of life, a child's formative years. From Proverbs 22:6~ Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. THIS IS TRUE! It is just not understood or respected how true it is. Since it is true, politics will NOT change the current state of affairs, parenting WILL! Once we acknowledge that even adults can be re-parented AND people are willing to re-parent themselves, the change we are looking for will come. This is a crucial step to creating understanding, Love and eventually pe...

Happy Tuesday!

From my Facebook post this morning: "This is the follow up to the post I was led to create yesterday about seeking first to understand, then to be understood. "There is one thing about the current state of the world we are in today that all this turmoil has helped me realize. It is what the quote by Malcolm X, on cover image, really means. Malcolm truly embraced the "5th Habit" and I didn't even get that until the chaos erupted. He said, "Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about change." "If you read The Autobiography of Malcolm X by Alex Haley you will learn that when he was young and in prison he read the history of Europeans all around the world. He sought first to understand and was pissed about what he learned. But because of what he learned, he didn't just understand Europeans better, he understood himself better too. "So... as a person an...

Happy Monday (Belated)

I was led to create this post on my Facebook at zero dark thirty on Monday, June 8, 2020. Happy Birthday to my nephew Lucian, by the way. It's belated online but was on time in my heart. His birthday message was not in the post so I'm putting it here. Love you Nephew #1!  Regarding the post... I feel like it is the start to what might be a short series of post. Since I'm writing this on Tuesday and I already know I've written a message for Tuesday. That message is going to lead to something else. I just going where God leads me. Hope you enjoy the ride!   "God has had me in a period of silence from Facebook for quite a while now. During that time I created a video series on YouTube. The links can be found on my blog: . I was in the midst of creating an event called "Independence Summer: An Epic Summer of Black Love" when all chaos broke loose. To be clear, I'm still working on it. "And I was told to st...

From Beggar to Investor: The Links

Welcome or Welcome Back! Whichever one it is, I'm so glad you are here.  This post contains the links to all the videos and blog posts in the series plus anything I mentioned within the videos you might be interested in. Hope this helps navigate the "From Beggar to Investor" series with greater ease.  Blog Post: The Invitation Segment 1 - Introduction Troy Anthony Davis:  or Segment 2 - Funding , Part 1 Segment 2 - Funding , Part 2 Please Note: I recommend watching this segment with the transcript.

From Beggar to Investor: Lessons I've Learned Transcript

This is not an exact transcript. If you haven't noticed yet, I tend to ad lib some... OK, maybe a little more than some. The video can be found here: . Let's go: Welcome Back Beautiful People. My name is Kara Lynn Kai Sanders. Thank you for being on this journey with my son Wisdom and I.  This is the very last video in this series and it has been released with the other two because they all go together. I had no idea these last three would take so long to compile. In fact, after the Programs and Projects videos I thought it would just be one more video. I thought the entire series could be captured in four videos. There are seven, just because there is so much information.  I spent hours upon hours over the last week, in the early morning hours, trying to get it all right. Finally it is done. The video on the Recipe for Self-Destruction was completed first thing Saturday morning but I didn't want to release it until it could be released with ...

From Beggar to Investor: PAID 2 Parent Transcript

This is not an exact transcript. There is some ad lib. The video associated with this transcript can be found here: . Here we go: Alright ya'll... This here is my baby! After that last video, this here is what you've been waiting for.  Now I should mention this video plays a dual role in that it is the second part to both the Projects and Programs video and the Self-Destruction video. It introduces L.U.V.'s signature program, PAID 2 Parent, which employs the Recipe for L.U.V. We're going to bring pleasure, appreciation, intelligence and dignity back to parenting and pay people to do it. PAID 2 Parent is the most recent project God has given me to develop and birth. PAID 2 Parent came about because when I came back to N.C. in August I had some expectations. Those expectations didn't come to pass as I hoped. And that is why Wisdom and I ended up being homeless. I was so focused on Wisdom's well-being and keeping him grounded and his a...