I Am A Lender... Part 2
Actually that shouldn't say lender, even though that is what the scripture says. I don't particularly like that title. I consider this next aspect of the journey is to become an investor. L.U.V. Enterprises is an investment company financed by the community directed by God. Our primary focus for investments is people with land being a close second!
"And how do you expect this to happen?" I know you are asking me this. Good question. Well... there are two ways this is to be accomplished. That sounds kinda crazy but it's true.
The first way is for the hearts of the community to be in line with healing coming as the Exceptional Samaritan taught by the way he lived. Love, compassion and mercy have got to be the reigning forces in investing in people. To be clear, let's define the three as they are used in L.U.V. Enterprises.
1. L.U.V./Love: This is based on the great commandments which encompasses Love of God (with the four aspects of self namely mind-intelligence, heart-emotion, spirit-divine, body-physical) then Love of self and Love of neighbor (as we Love ourselves). They are all reflections of one another while being the exact same. Deep right?
a. 1 John 4:8~ "...God is Love": This is the scripture that gave my L.U.V. its name. I don't see this as my business. I see myself as the one in charge here receiving direction from the Heavens above. If you check out one of my other blog posts called "Part 1: Love, Compassion, Mercy" you'll find out why my title is CBB.
b. The Acronym: "Learn ur value" This is where Love truly begins or where it truly enlarges your capability to Love.
c. Personal Definition: This is the essence of Loving others, "the opportunity, blessing and challenge of seeing God/Goddess in others, especially when they don't see Them in themselves; honoring, reverencing and nurturing that God within until it is manifest without."
2. Compassion: "a feeling of deep sympathy or sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering" (definition courtesy of dictionary. com)
3. Mercy: Compassion in action (personal definition)
As long as we've got people willing to live those and complete the steps the Samaritan did, we have one aspect of this complete. They might not be a position to do right now but willingness is a great starting place. For more information about The Exceptional Samaritan see the YouTube series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYDkTy6sNZpncdC5WBjAjuE-wKU4_7mGB or the blog post named "The Exodus: Living the Story of the Good Samaritan".
Now the second way of accomplishing this is through the following steps:
1. Gain wealth
2. Pool wealth in a ration
a. 10% savings: pay yourself first
b. 20% giving: tithing, NPO, investments
c. 30% taxes: get too much than not enough
d. 40% spendable: you deserve it
3. Create website to connect those in need with those having the ability to meet needs
4. Help others gain wealth
5. Get people trained to host various workshops (How Does Your Garden Grow, Circle of Security, Arbinger, etc.)
6. Have leadership go through the training we intend to offer (PAID 2 Parent)
7. Create partnerships with services in the community who can help the parable of The Exceptional Samaritan come to life in the lives of those we serve
8. Open offices around the country to get people the help they need; these offices will eventually expand to house The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Cooperative
9. Prepay for people to live in turnkey homes for entire year (Prepay for 9 months, get 3 months free?)
10. Have them go through PAID 2 Parent
11. Have them move into ideal housing once year lease is over (New H.O.P.E. homes, renovated facilities, ?)
And there it is! That's the shortest easiest way to explain what will happen in the next little while. My first and overall objective is to see YOU FLOURISH first and set you back on the road to YOUR Jericho, wherever that is, to live the life of your dreams. You'll understand that more when you listen to the YouTube series.
Well... I look forward to speaking with you. I'm excited about what the future holds for all of us. I rely on hope to carry me through and so I am always in a state of believing "the best is yet to come". And it is.
Create today. It's amazing. Let no one take the power of choice away from you. May your choices make it the best day ever.
Peace, Love and Double hugs from me and Wis T, CBB and Mini me!
"And how do you expect this to happen?" I know you are asking me this. Good question. Well... there are two ways this is to be accomplished. That sounds kinda crazy but it's true.
The first way is for the hearts of the community to be in line with healing coming as the Exceptional Samaritan taught by the way he lived. Love, compassion and mercy have got to be the reigning forces in investing in people. To be clear, let's define the three as they are used in L.U.V. Enterprises.
1. L.U.V./Love: This is based on the great commandments which encompasses Love of God (with the four aspects of self namely mind-intelligence, heart-emotion, spirit-divine, body-physical) then Love of self and Love of neighbor (as we Love ourselves). They are all reflections of one another while being the exact same. Deep right?
a. 1 John 4:8~ "...God is Love": This is the scripture that gave my L.U.V. its name. I don't see this as my business. I see myself as the one in charge here receiving direction from the Heavens above. If you check out one of my other blog posts called "Part 1: Love, Compassion, Mercy" you'll find out why my title is CBB.
b. The Acronym: "Learn ur value" This is where Love truly begins or where it truly enlarges your capability to Love.
c. Personal Definition: This is the essence of Loving others, "the opportunity, blessing and challenge of seeing God/Goddess in others, especially when they don't see Them in themselves; honoring, reverencing and nurturing that God within until it is manifest without."
2. Compassion: "a feeling of deep sympathy or sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering" (definition courtesy of dictionary. com)
3. Mercy: Compassion in action (personal definition)
As long as we've got people willing to live those and complete the steps the Samaritan did, we have one aspect of this complete. They might not be a position to do right now but willingness is a great starting place. For more information about The Exceptional Samaritan see the YouTube series here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYDkTy6sNZpncdC5WBjAjuE-wKU4_7mGB or the blog post named "The Exodus: Living the Story of the Good Samaritan".
Now the second way of accomplishing this is through the following steps:
1. Gain wealth
2. Pool wealth in a ration
a. 10% savings: pay yourself first
b. 20% giving: tithing, NPO, investments
c. 30% taxes: get too much than not enough
d. 40% spendable: you deserve it
3. Create website to connect those in need with those having the ability to meet needs
4. Help others gain wealth
5. Get people trained to host various workshops (How Does Your Garden Grow, Circle of Security, Arbinger, etc.)
6. Have leadership go through the training we intend to offer (PAID 2 Parent)
7. Create partnerships with services in the community who can help the parable of The Exceptional Samaritan come to life in the lives of those we serve
8. Open offices around the country to get people the help they need; these offices will eventually expand to house The L.U.V. L.I.F.E. Cooperative
9. Prepay for people to live in turnkey homes for entire year (Prepay for 9 months, get 3 months free?)
10. Have them go through PAID 2 Parent
11. Have them move into ideal housing once year lease is over (New H.O.P.E. homes, renovated facilities, ?)
And there it is! That's the shortest easiest way to explain what will happen in the next little while. My first and overall objective is to see YOU FLOURISH first and set you back on the road to YOUR Jericho, wherever that is, to live the life of your dreams. You'll understand that more when you listen to the YouTube series.
Well... I look forward to speaking with you. I'm excited about what the future holds for all of us. I rely on hope to carry me through and so I am always in a state of believing "the best is yet to come". And it is.
Create today. It's amazing. Let no one take the power of choice away from you. May your choices make it the best day ever.
Peace, Love and Double hugs from me and Wis T, CBB and Mini me!
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