I Am A Lender! Part 1

I just want you to know that this is the most fascinating journey ever. It's a season of fear for many individuals. And yet I'm excited in ways I can't even begin to speak of. Because of the way God rules my life, I'm OK, very OK! 

OK... so I'm really sooooo much better than OK. And I know that's going to bother some people. Yet what's interesting about right now is at this time, it is just as OK to be excited and thrilled as it is OK to be worried and afraid. 

It all comes down to where your focus is. My focus isn't on the coronavirus. I'm doing my part to keep me and my son healthy which means I don't have to worry about it. So I'm not going to focus on it. I'm moving forward on the other things I was working on before this shutdown all came to pass. 

I posted a little while back about how "I'm not a beggar". I wrote about how that was the message I kept getting and so I disconnected from some things. Somewhere in all the writings I created (personal emails, blog posts, etc.) I mentioned I was led to find the verses in Deuteronomy about being a lender. Since I'm not a beggar that also means I'm not a borrower. Therefore as that verse suggests I must be the lender. 

That thought was so powerful to me. It brings me back to why I keep saying L.U.V. is not a nonprofit, when people ask. It's not. We are a business and we invest in people. It is that simple. But how do you do that when you have NO money? 

Well... I set up a Cash App Campaign to become a lender (insert hysterical laughter here). 

Seems contradictory right? Well, yes, sorta it is. It's all good though. Live and learn, right? It never got much farther than the blog post I made about it (which is where most of my campaigns have started and ended to be honest with you). 

I use this blog as a space for me to be both personal and professional. So if you look back you'll see lots of ideas but not much implementation for one reason or another. Mostly life happening OR simply not feeling motivated by what I wrote when it comes down to implementation. 

That loss of motivation is because I was operating in fear and with what information I knew at the time. I wasn't waiting on God. I knew that when I really looked at that campaign as another way for me to beg. That's not what God said. I had to wait for Him to tell me what to do.

NOW I'm motivated. Why? Because I looked up the definitions of socialism and capitalism. Weird reason huh? They are words that get thrown around quite often and I finally decided to find out what the big deal is all about. 

Here are the definitions courtesy of dictionary.com:

*capitalism: an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
*socialism: 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2. procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3. (in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles

So what does this all mean? Well...there were a few things I was initially sure of: 
1) I'm not a beggar or a borrower
2) I'm supposed to be a lender to invest in people without any money 
3) I'm a capitalist with socialist tendencies or a socialist with capitalist tendencies. Whichever one I am means I'm prone to share some things but not all. The question then that begs to be answered is: HOW does this all fit together?

It all comes down to INFORMATION!!! I've been so blessed with so much information to give. To lend. To invest. An investment doesn't have to cost anything financially when you understand the only two things which can truly be invested are time and money. 

Initially I was hesitant to share though. And that's where my challenge came in. The crazy thing about that is God has always provided for me and my son. All I've done as His "research assistant" is give my time to learning so I could lift others the way HE wanted them to be lifted. 

I had to take a good look inside and ask: If I share information, why should I stop trusting Him now? Since I don't have money to invest then I will continue to invest my time, the time to learn and then the time to teach. Another time to teach has arrived. And the returns WILL come!

Continue to Part 2 to be invested in (wink, wink, smile)...


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