Momma's Monday: Moving To Peace From War in 2024
Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Happy New Year! Thank you for being here whether it's from a handout, text message or email.
And Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! It's the perfect day and time to talk about the headline of this post.
As you might already know, the subject line is my theme for the year, Moving To Peace From War in 2024. It is also the name of the course I am launching. It is the next step in the work I'm doing to eliminate homelessness, internally and externally.
There was a thought that plagued my mind during the whole month of December that led me to this aspect of my journey. I didn't know the exact quote but I did know where to find it, in a book called The Peacegiver by James Farrell.
This quote is the opening paragraph of the Preface. And it's the only thing I remembered about the contents of the book. Mr. Farrell wrote:
"We live in a world at war. I am not only referring to wars between countries but also between former friends, siblings, spouses, parents and children. Conflicts between countries are perhaps more dramatic, but the hot and cold wars that fester in the hearts of family members, neighbors and friends bring more pain and suffering to this earth in a single day than have all the world’s weapons since the beginning of time. If there ever is to be peace on earth, we first must find a way to peace in our hearts and homes."
That part about "wars between...former friends, siblings, spouses, parents and children" combined with "the hot and cold wars that fester in the hearts of family members, neighbors and friends bring more pain and suffering to this earth" is what I vaguely remembered.
The part about the devastation being more "in a single day than have all the world's weapons since the beginning of time" made me a little emotional, to be completely honest with you. I began to reflect on how many people I have been at war with, intentionally and by accident.
Mr. Farrell then leads the readers on a journey of discovering how Jesus can lead you to peace. It's a great read even though I don't remember the details. While I can appreciate his approach, the message is to a very specific audience. The direction to peace I'm taking is more universal because it's built on neuroscience, not religion.
Neuroscience is our common denominator: brain development and nervous system regulation. I'll add the aspects of trauma and nutrition too because that completes my "Big 4". Those 4 elements are common to all individuals even if they are not common knowledge to all individuals. (There's a big difference between being common and being common knowledge.)
To go a little deeper, neuroplasticity is a gift EVERYONE can tap into. That is absolutely thrilling to me because that means there is not one person the experience I'm launching cannot help in moving to peace from war.
I use the word moving intentionally because it means the movement is active. I don't know how long the journey will be for each individual, all I know is we are moving to get to peace, whatever that looks like for each individual. For some it might be at the pace of a tortoise, for others a hare. But moving is always progress.
The process of peace we'll be moving through contains 4 steps:
1. Employ gratitude as THE infrastructure for change (through the It's Time to L.U.V. 6-week Gratitude Journal Challenge)
2. Explore the foundation of war (by studying the science and spirituality behind oppression)
3. Excavate the way to emancipation (with the I Apologize Series) and
4. Engage liberation practices (by eliminating homelessness, poverty and the next generation of prisoners)
There are aspects of what I will share that some people (hopefully many people) will be familiar with. And there are plenty of things many people do not know or have not compiled in the way I've been led to because my specialties are oppression, emancipation and liberation.
The course starts with the 6-week gratitude journal challenge. We will begin together on Sunday, February 4, 2024. This gives time for people to get acclimated to the new year. And there is plenty of space to plan to be fully engaged in this life changing event.
To get moving to peace, I invite you to answer some questions on the registration form to make sure this course is for you. And if you require more details about this experience, I will be hosting a few virtual masterclasses to delve into each topic. These events are free. You can choose your session on the registration form.
If you know what neuroplasticity means, I hope you'll jump right in eager to learn more. And if you don't know what it means, I hope you'll jump right in eager to learn more (wink, wink, smile).
I invite you to keep in mind that all the proceeds go towards my work to eliminate homelessness, internally and externally. It is important to me to provide a service to those who are unhoused without needing to use money that could be used to house them. The only way I know how to do that is to earn money with a service I've created and use those funds to eliminate homelessness.
Please Note: I'm a one woman operation at this point. I haven't automated anything yet simply because I want to get to know people one on one before this gets bigger than I can handle. If you need a response, please give me a 48 hour period. I do most of my work between the hours of 2a and 7a.
Thank you for reading this far. Thank you in advance if you choose to move with me. No matter your decision, I wish you continued "success unexpected in common hours" in all you are and do. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...
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