Manifest Monday: Do You Know Momma Kai?

Do You Know Momma Kai? Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. This posted is inspired by Jimmy Davies of Every.Black . He hosts a mastermind networking group on Mondays where he has a different guest every week speak on the topic of expertise. Because there are always so many new people coming through, Jimmy will take the time to introduce himself and how Every.Black got started. I'm going to do the same thing here because, even though one day I'll be famous and people might know my story, that's not true for today! Even if I do become famous by the world's standards, I imagine I will still post an update like this to remain humble and because we are always changing and evolving (or at least we should be, right?). Now... Let me go back. My government name is Kara Lynn Sanders. As of today I am 41 days away from my 50th birthday, which I have the honor of sharing with Human Rights Day ! Every year they have...