Sacred Sunday: The Road to Matriarch

The Road to Matriarch

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here... again. 

I rarely do back to back posts. But I announced yesterday that I'm interested in becoming Raleigh's first Black female mayor. I'm not even talking about campaigning. I'm talking about being in office. The campaign is just... what's the word... a technicality.

Yes, I'm crazy enough to think I can win. I mean... it's my destiny. My earrings say so (wink, wink, smile). I wear the same earrings almost everyday. One part says, "she believed she could so she did". That's not entirely true but that's what I'm working with right now. 

The way I wish it read is, "she believed God could so she did". That IS true. The bottom part says, "I am Black History". When people compliment me on them, I often respond, "I'm working on it!". In this case, I really am, in more than one way.

The thing I know I want and need to do is establish myself as a game changer outside of the political arena in order to conquer within it. Once you're on the inside, you resort to being a decision maker if you don't have any leverage outside of the politics. With no experience as a politician (and not desiring any), it could be a long road ahead unless I am already doing things that need to get done.

I've been working on eliminating homelessness. And that will continue to be my focus BEFORE I register as a candidate. Now... How do I get there?

In order to generate those funds, I'll be building my store on the Circa.Chat social media platform. If you haven't heard about it, I'm so excited to be the first to share it with you. 

It is black owned social media platform which boasts "No Ads. No Algorithms. No Data Collection." It is in its inaugural season and will soon be marketed more expansively. Please sign up (it's free) and support this black owned, environmentally conscious business which is practicing circular, not linear economics.

I'll be posting on the Bushel Blasting Brigade, Gratitude Groups, the Gratitude Journal Challenge and The Need To GROW Watch Parties. Please check out my posts on Circa.Chat to find out more. This is my invitation to get in now and be a part of its expansion.

There are also membership levels, at an affordable price, if you want to receive the additional benefits that come with being a part of this unique community. I'm using it, along with this blog, as my main resources to share information. I hope you'll join me on Circa.Chat and on the journey to Matriarch.

Thanks again and in advance. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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