Manifest Monday: The Intro to the Intro

The Intro to the Intro

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. Happy Official Beginning to the Second Half of the Year!

July 3nd signifies the beginning of the next six months. It is the 184th day of the year (most years). 183 days have passed. 181 days are still before us to live. Yesterday was the middle of the year. Today signifies the 1st day of the rest of the year. That means if you didn't like how the first half played out, you've got another 6 months to make things happen. January 1st isn't the only day we can commit to change.

That's exciting to me. So much has happened. So much more is coming. One of those things is a book. Well technically, it's a book set called How To Liberate a Nation With L.U.V.!. The name is meant to be explored on every level, starting with the individual. 

If you think about it, we are all a nation unto ourselves. We each hold the power to build a nation that is born from us and/or a nation that follows us. To validate my point, consider any family, athlete, entertainer or scholar.

There are 3 books in the set, one of which I've already written. The first book is a gratitude journal. The title is It's Time to L.U.V. 6 Week Gratitude Challenge. The second book is titled The Scientific and Spiritual Foundations of Oppression. And the last one I'm writing is called Eliminating Homelessness, Poverty and the Next Generation of Prisoners.

If you know me, you already know there are four topics I'm extremely passionate about: brain development, nervous system regulation, trauma and nutrition. But there are people who speak to those way better than I can. For that I'm grateful.

My expertise lies in oppression, emancipation and liberation. These seven topics aren't ever addressed together. I know. I've been looking. Yet they should be.

The reason why I'm inviting people to start with the gratitude journal is because I want people to be on a journey of seeing themselves from the best possible point of view before sharing more information with them. So many of us have low self-esteem or we lack a genuine concept of our worth, often needing validation from outside of ourselves to feel good. The objective of the gratitude journal sets the stage for the second and third books to invite the next level of change people are looking for.

The second and third books will focus on intertwining the "sagacious seven" to understand how oppression as a whole system was created (not focusing on any one silo society has put it in). Then, how to first emancipate individuals, families, communities and eventually the nation as a whole from oppression's revolting grip. And the final step is liberation for all.

To explore the spirituality I use religious texts to make my point. While there are many there are only 2 I'm familiar with and feel comfortable quoting from and expounding upon. Those are the Holy Bible and The Book of Mormon. 

I spent over 25 years being an "active" member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It will be 34 years of membership in August, with the last 8-9 years of me being "inactive". God gave me permission to stop attending when I was getting more out of church NOT being there. 

This is not an attempt to convert anyone, especially since I don't even go. I'm simply using what I've learned to speak on oppression, emancipation and liberation. It will not be a disrespectful investigation of the books. I'm sharing how I've been enlightened because of them.

This has been a challenging call on my head, heart and spirit. I have known I was called to write this book since August 2022. Most of the information to write it I've known about for 10 or more years. I just didn't know what to do with it. It's going in the books.

Completing my training with the Jai Institute for Parenting to become a parent coach was the crowning event that opened my eyes to what I needed to do. What's funny about that is earlier in the year I shunned the idea of writing a book. It wasn't on my radar. I had absolutely no desire and now it occupies my every thought.

What moved me to this is point are some experiences I had recently. I'm recording them in a document called The Intro to the Intro. You can check them out for yourself with a contribution to my fundraising campaign (wink, wink, smile). I don't know if they will end up in the book. I just know they kickstarted my desire to write it and will flow into the introduction.

If you'd like to view and/or comment on the contents of The Intro to the Intro, the 2nd and 3rd books as they are being written, here is the link to find out more:

This post will be so much longer if I continue. All the information about the opportunity to comment and the other incentives are found there. Thanks again for being here. Thank you in advance for your financial support. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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