Let's Talk Tuesday: 10 Ways to Help Me Eliminate Homelessness
10 Ways to Help Me Eliminate Homelessness
Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise . Thank you for being here. If you don't know me, here's an introduction.
My name is Kara Lynn Sanders.
My nickname is Kai.
My super s-hero name is Momma Kai because I discovered my superpowers being a mom.
I have the honor and privilege of being the mom and student of a young Black male superhero who is almost 7 and a half. The name God gave him when I was pregnant is Wisdom and he is my heart beating outside of me.
Since August of 2019, my son and I have been on a journey through the perils of poverty here in Raleigh. At some point God told me not to take it personally. I needed to pay attention. So despite the very real financial challenges we've faced, I've paid attention. What I have learned in almost 4 years is remarkable.
For the past 6 weeks or so, Wisdom and I have chosen to live out of our car so we can be seen and heard. We attended community meetings held by developers before they go to the city for rezoning. We've also been to meetings hosted by members of the city council. We've met 5 of the 8 in person.
I have been attending and speaking at the city council meeting since February of this year and have continued to do so as we live out of our car. Wisdom actually spoke during the second public comment session in May (1). I'm so proud of him. He did an excellent job.
My goal is to represent the brilliance of those living without housing. I don't believe I'm the exception. I know I'm the rule. Ever hear the quote about not judging a fish by its ability to climb a tree? Everyone is brilliant, a genius, an expert at something. Where they are housed doesn't change that. And I wanted to represent that.
The sacrifice of living in our car finally paid off. I'm seeing some success.

I have to be honest, initially I was not impressed because I didn't ask to address the task force. BUT... as things have developed, I'm extremely grateful for how things have played out.
What I will be sharing is a combination of information from these three playlists on my YouTube channel (3):
3 Compassionate Steps to Eliminating Homelessness-
Are You Ready to Change the World?
Includes Homesteads for the Homeless-
A New Mental Model-
My goal is to get the City of Raleigh and Wake County to "wake up and pay attention" (4) to actual solutions to eliminate homelessness. Will you please support this important event in one or more of the following ways?
1. Contribute to my fundraising campaign: This link will take you to the fundraiser that just ended. With PayPay I have 1000 characters and up to 30 days to reach my goal, which I appreciate. I didn't do it so I'm starting again. I'm extremely grateful for those who contributed though and want them to be recognized that's why the link is still active. You can contribute to the new one here (5).
The goal is to generate at least $10K through contributions as low as $2 (larger amounts are definitely accepted). I plan to show both the City of Raleigh and Wake County that addressing homelessness and providing affordable housing is important and people are watching from all over the state, perhaps even the country, to see what the capital of North Carolina will do.
I'm going to ask the city and county to match or exceed whatever has been collected. The money will allow me to take the next steps in legally protecting the LLC I've established. It will also provide some temporary housing for me and Wis so we can really get some work done. Imagine doing all this on 5-6 hours of sleep a day.
Thankfully, we have a place to go for 10 days in June and again for the month of July. Having a place to land in the meantime would be great. While the sacrifice of living in our car has been worth it, it's not easy. Actually it's really hard if you haven't mentally prepared for it. I don't recommend it unless you feel impressed to do it.
Now, if the goal exceeds $10K, I plan to recruit some individuals who are unhoused and offer temporary housing so we can work together to bring effective solutions to this area, no matter that the task force does. I truly think if people are watching, they will make a decision in favor of what I'm requesting.
2. Come to the meeting! It's being held on Thursday 6.8.2023, 10a-12 noon at the Emergency Services Education Ctr. 221 S. Rogers Lane, Suite 160, Raleigh, NC 27610 (6).
Showing up is perhaps the most important thing you can do (if you can).
I am going to use this opportunity to my advantage by broadcasting live on my Instagram (7). This way it can be recorded and people can watch from home or catch the replay if they are not able to attend in person.
3. Attend and share on your social media. You can broadcast it LIVE too.
4. Email City Council to invest in addressing homelessness directly in the 2023-2024 fiscal year.. Here are the email addresses I would use:
5. Please share this blog post! What I'm being led to create is designed to be community lead and duplicated. Share this so that if Raleigh doesn't accept, somewhere else can!
You never know who's paying attention! It's not only that though, we need members of the community who are struggling and want a voice. I might be speaking but this is also their chance to be heard.
6. Contact any news source you're connected to. Recommend they send a representative to attend the next task force meeting. This is the coverage I've received thus far from what I've been involved in.
7. Attend a council meeting on the first or third Tuesdays of every month (a summer break is coming up soon). There is an afternoon and evening session on the first Tuesdays at 1p and 7p. There is only an afternoon session on the third Tuesday at 1p.
8. Sign up to speak at a city council meeting (8). Public comment periods are during the evening session on the first Tuesday and the afternoon session of the third. Click on the description to be taken to the sign up page. Scroll to the bottom to find the form. Come share your story.
Now, here are two things that can be done after the meeting:
9. Email the city and county to let them know how you felt about the presentation. If you approve of what you heard, let them know you expect them to support the plan.
mary-ann.baldwin@raleighnc.gov - Mayor
Stormie.Forte@raleighnc.gov - Council member assigned to task forceVickie.Adamson@wake.gov - Wake County commissioner assigned to the task force
citycouncilmembers@raleighnc. gov - all the members of the city council
Evan.Raleigh@raleighnc.gov - Asst. City Manager
Duane.Holder@wake.gov - Deputy County Manager
Duane.Holder@wake.gov - Deputy County Manager
10. Once this has broadcast on Instagram (7), share the presentation with those in your neighborhood, city or county. If not Raleigh, I'll go where the interest is!
That's 10 things to choose from. This is important so I'm suggesting as many ways to help as I can. Support me as you feel led. If you need to contact me please call or text: 919.292.3861. You can also email me at kai.timetoluv@gmail.com. Thank you again and in advance. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...
Fast forward to 1:07:40. This is how I ended up presenting to the task force. The time I suggested is when Wisdom's name is called. He speaks before I do.
(5) The old fundraiser expired. Here's the new one: https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/8UJmakINc9
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