Thriving Thursday: The Kind Nine

The Kind Nine

It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. I'm honored you would take the time to find out more about The Kind Nine. 

Whenever God invites me to do something, there are times when I embrace it whole-heartedly and there are times when I really don't. When the invitation is to get out and talk to people (this could be cold calling or in the streets), I can be hot or cold. It really depends on what I'm supposed to talk to them about. 

When all is said and done, I am more concerned about the impact it has had on my superhero son than what the results of the interactions have been. After being out for several hours and watching him, I am realizing this angle is not for us. So I'm reaching out to people to be kind to this mom whose son has been sent to change the world. And he has, starting with mine!

Now it's time to do it for others. Will you help us?

I am seeking for nine people who will each invest $500 in our campaign called The NEW Emancipation Proclamation. This campaign is on the PayPal Generosity Network. I switched the goal from $20K to $5K yesterday because the work involved to market it is taking too much time away from my son.

As an investor you will receive several returns on your investment. Financially the return is triple what was invested in 6 months or less. My personal goal is to return it to you on my birthday this year as part of my celebrations, December 10. You will also get a monthly report on what L.U.V. has done to launch. In that newsletter you will be invited to a live Q & A so you can ask any questions me that you want. 

In my previous posts I've mentioned the Appreciation Conversation, the Gratitude Journal Challenge, Wisdom-isms, the Bundle of L.U.V. and the entire 16 week Emancipated Parenting Course! Those are all still included in the return on investment at the $500 level. The course alone is worth $1800 so you're really getting quite the deal with your investment. 

Once we gather those 9 people, I will shut down the campaign. That's all I need to move forward. My next steps are to sit with a business attorney to go over the contracts I need, meet with a financial advisor about short and long term investments and gather the homeless community to lead the efforts on launching this revolutionary project. They are the only ones who aren't too busy to get involved. 

When this happens, by the end of the year, I will be able to focus on homeschooling my son full time and we will have our plans to be ambassadors of L.U.V. around the country to set up Cities of L.U.V. and their L.U.V. hubs. That is what God has put in my heart to do so I'm calling it done. The Kind Nine will be the ones to make that happen for us.

Thank you again for the investment of your time. Thank you in advance if you join this exclusive club that launches the K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. The Keep It Samaritan Style and Help Us Grow Club which is what will keep L.U.V. running for the long term. I can't wait to meet those of you who are compassionate to my quest. See you soon. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace, Love and Double Hugs from Wisdom and I.


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