Motivating Monday (on Tuesday): Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. A belated Happy Monday! Welcome to 2022! I know that might seem late but technically we're still at the beginning of this new year. There are over 11 months to go so this is still "new" (wink, wink, smile).

It's been a while, right? I haven't written since November of last year. A lot has transpired since then and I'm so excited about what's been going on! 


First of all I am writing today, Tuesday, January 25, for an important reason. It is the birthday of someone incredibly special to me, who isn't Wisdom (Wis' birthday is on December 23). 

There was a beautiful individual I met online over 13 years ago on June 6, 2008 via Skype. We have NEVER met in person. Yet he is the person who initiated the internal journey of L.U.V. I've been on.

I was living in Hawaii. He was in the Ivory Coast of Africa. Today we are much closer but still so far away. I am in NC! He is in France. 

I owe a great deal to this remarkable man. If I knew then what I know now, we might have had a different story. BUT... I wouldn't change the one we have for the world. 

Joyeux Anniversaire M. Ouattara Hassim! Je t'aime! Je t'aime beaucoup! 

Even 13 years, 7 and a half months later my heart smiles when I think about him or see his face. He is simply kind and genuine and so very beautiful on the inside and out. I am grateful he started a conversation with me that day, oh so long ago! 

It feels right that since my journey of self-L.U.V. started with this person, the journey to spread this aspect of L.U.V. should start on his birthday, as a celebration of the Love he gives to the world just by being who is. 

I have felt good energy today. I've been working on posts and flyers all day. I'm preparing everything I need to hit the streets tomorrow. And tomorrow is when I will return with more information. So stay tuned. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace...


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