Motivating Monday (on Thursday) ~ October 21, 2021

Be 3C With Me

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. A belated Happy Monday to you. And Happy Thursday! 

It's been a while since I've written, not that there hasn't been much to talk about. It's definitely been the opposite. I've been stuck trying to figure out what to write because there has been so much going on. That was my sign to wait for inspiration... and time! Today, Thursday, October 21, 2021 has provided both. 

Let me start out by saying what an incredible journey Wisdom and I continue to be on. I'm Loving it. We are meeting some amazing people and having awesome experiences. Last week, we had two experiences over two days that led to creating this post today. 

Please check out my YouTube channel where I share details about that experience. This post is specifically about "Be 3C With Me". That is the name of L.U.V.'s latest campaign! 

After our experiences last week God helped me to see the three characteristics I'm looking for in order for this project to grow. I'm looking for people who are committed, compassionate and crazy. 

To explain the first two words I went to the dictionary. To explain the last, "crazy", I went to Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple! 

Committed: bound or obligated to a person or thing, as by pledge or assurance; devoted (definition courtesy of

What am I committed to? Love! Loving God, Loving myself and Loving other people. And that means I want the best for myself and nothing less for others. 

Compassionate: having or showing compassion; Compassion: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. (definition courtesy of

Why is being compassionate so important? Compassion is not just about seeing a need but having a strong desire to address it. We need more people in action, taking compassion one step further to address the needs at hand. 

There are a lot of well meaning people who want to and are addressing needs. There are very few people/organizations who are providing a comprehensive, effective solution to meeting people's needs. That is what L.U.V. endeavors to do. 

Because of the research assignment Wisdom and I have been on, we have solutions that will address problems that are not being handled. We're not just coming up with their another way to help. L.U.V. is the BEST way!

Crazy: "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes ...the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. ...You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things. ...They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." -Steve Jobs, 1997

Why crazy? And what does it mean? First of all let me say, t
his quote has followed me around for YEARS.  I'm so grateful for it because it helps me be comfortable with not "fitting in". I'm definitely that "round peg in a square hole". That perfectly describes me. 

I bought myself a card quite a while ago, long before Wisdom was born and he's almost 6. On the cover it says, "If you're crazy enough to think you can change the world, you're exactly who the world needs." I still have it. It was a graduation card so I took off the back half of it and carry the quote with us whenever we are out as a reminder that I'm THAT kind of "crazy". 

When I was pregnant with Wisdom I knew he was coming to change the world too. He does it daily in all the ways he interacts with so many people. He has never met a stranger. Everyone is his friend. He is among the "ones who see things differently" and is "NOT fond of rules"! He is that kind of "crazy"! 

So I've established we're crazy. But what does it really mean? Essentially, it means you do not bow down to the paradigms other people adhere to or want you to live to, especially if those paradigms don’t serve you or worse, harm you. On the flipside of that coin, it also means you’re willing to create and live in your own paradigms and stand with those who you are in harmony with and those in harmony with you. Our world would be a much better place if many of the paradigms we currently live with were extinguished. 

I learned the word paradigm while studying "Seven Habit of Highly Effective People" by Dr. Steven Covey with the Motivation Readers Mastermind Network. It changed my life because it gave me a word to describe how I think. I simply live with different paradigms. For many, that is a problem since Wisdom and I are not financially stable. 

Thankfully, I don't work for the world. I work for God! I know He put the thoughts in my mind to shatter the prejudices so many people are dealing with. So I'll take the characteristic of "crazy" and run with it. 

Now I'm sure you're wondering what I want from people who are willing to "be 3C with me". Well there are three ways you can express your commitment, your compassion and your crazy. Be a Funder, Founder or Follower. A funder invests money, a founder invest time and a follower invest attention. 

The goals for each group are as follows:
~ Funders: $1500-5000
~ Founders: 25 3C individuals
~ Followers: at least 1000 subscribers across all the social media platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook)

If you're interested in becoming a funder or founder please fill out this form to receive more information about the benefits of doing so. If you're interested in being a follower, please click on any of the links above and like, subscribe and follow. 

We need 3C funders, founders and followers to sow, grow and go forth with L.U.V.! If you're 3C, please join us. If you've already got plenty going on, I hope something written here resonates with you and keeps you moving forward to the life of your dreams.  

Enjoy creating your amazing day. So far so good for mine. Gotta keep it going! Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)


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