Motivating Monday - September 20, 2021
Twenty Questions
Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Happy Monday! Thank you so much for being here. Wisdom and I are in a very exciting moment of time during our journey "From Poverty to Prosperity". There is so much going on. There are so many opportunities ahead of us despite what we've been through.
We are just days away from our Town of Cary Solicitor's Permit expiring. We have been setting up at the intersection of Tryon Road and Walnut Street/Holly Springs Road. We set up our table in front of the breakdown lane on the Holly Springs Road side of the intersection. The first time the police visited they confirmed it was a good spot to be most especially because of the breakdown lane where people can safely stop.
It's been a great experience. We've met so many amazing people but I know there are still more to meet. A couple of weeks ago... I did a live broadcast called "Twenty Questions" on my L.U.V. Enterprises Presents YouTube Channel. Here are the questions I asked and most of the answers I gave so people could get to know my son and I better.
It is not an exact transcript. This is more of an outline of what I shared. In some areas it may contain more information than the broadcast, since I'm posting it after the fact and had more time to be pensive about what I was writing.
Let's get started...
Q1. Who are you?
a. Wisdom: son, student, teacher, mentor, leader, dynamic, Loving, extremely intelligent, charming, Loved
b. Kai: Wisdom’s mom and student (being a mom is my career of choice); C.B.B. (Chief Bushel Blaster for L.U.V. Enterprises); research assistant for God; Founding member of Ubuntu Progressive Cooperative for African Centered Families (homeschool cooperative)
Q2. What’s the dream?
a. To be a mom. Not any kind of mom though, I want to be the best mom I can be. I can honestly say "I'm a good mom" right now. And I say that because to me, “good” moms are educated moms. I tell people all the time, God and Google have been the best co-parents. But I see myself becoming "the best mom" by achieving two certifications that will help me be better personally and then help others achieve successful relationships with their children.
b. Become certified with Circle of Security and Jai Institute for Parenting
Q2. What’s the dream?
a. To be a mom. Not any kind of mom though, I want to be the best mom I can be. I can honestly say "I'm a good mom" right now. And I say that because to me, “good” moms are educated moms. I tell people all the time, God and Google have been the best co-parents. But I see myself becoming "the best mom" by achieving two certifications that will help me be better personally and then help others achieve successful relationships with their children.
b. Become certified with Circle of Security and Jai Institute for Parenting
c. To own a house sooner rather than later; for us, it's the next step
d. To homeschool my son
e. To have a vehicle for more reliable and timely transportation
f. To get healthier: lose weight, eat better, etc.
g. To launch L.U.V.: PAID 2 Parent AKA The NEW Emancipation Proclamation
Q3.What are the certifications?
a. Workshop facilitator - Circle of Security International
b. Parent coach - Jai Institute for Parenting
Q4. How much do they cost?
a. COSP-$1000
b. Jai - between $2500 & $3500 for paid in full rate; not entirely sure what the most recent offer is
Q5. What is your ideal way of accomplishing your dreams?
a. Sell the journals and buttons
b. Invite people to become members of our investment club (The K..I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club), building on a unique cryptocurrency platform
g. To launch L.U.V.: PAID 2 Parent AKA The NEW Emancipation Proclamation
Q3.What are the certifications?
a. Workshop facilitator - Circle of Security International
b. Parent coach - Jai Institute for Parenting
Q4. How much do they cost?
a. COSP-$1000
b. Jai - between $2500 & $3500 for paid in full rate; not entirely sure what the most recent offer is
Q5. What is your ideal way of accomplishing your dreams?
a. Sell the journals and buttons
b. Invite people to become members of our investment club (The K..I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club), building on a unique cryptocurrency platform
c. Follow the plan outlined in the prize winning Strategy Report prepared by my 3 MBA students during The Small Business School Challenge I participated in last year
Q6. Why the gratitude journals?
a. “In order to change your life, you’ve got to change your mind…”: Keeping a gratitude journal is what really began the process of changing my mind so my life could change
b. It’s a product of L.U.V.
c. To start a movement… The Appreciation Nation
Q7. What do you want people to know about the investment club you’re building on the cryptocurrency platform?
a. It is my ideal occupation: earning money for others while benefiting both Wisdom and I
b. I describe it as a combination of gifting and crowdfunding but it’s built on a blockchain so the rules cannot be changed
c. No one is making money off of anyone
Q8. Why do you call yourself a mom and student to your son?
A. When God gave me my son's name he told me it was "not for what he would learn but for what he would teach". At that moment I endeavored to not only be his first and best teacher but also his first and best student. My passion for parenting was ignited because I am his mom AND student. More parents should know how to have incredible relationships with their children and truly enjoy their presence.
Q6. Why the gratitude journals?
a. “In order to change your life, you’ve got to change your mind…”: Keeping a gratitude journal is what really began the process of changing my mind so my life could change
b. It’s a product of L.U.V.
c. To start a movement… The Appreciation Nation
Q7. What do you want people to know about the investment club you’re building on the cryptocurrency platform?
a. It is my ideal occupation: earning money for others while benefiting both Wisdom and I
b. I describe it as a combination of gifting and crowdfunding but it’s built on a blockchain so the rules cannot be changed
c. No one is making money off of anyone
Q8. Why do you call yourself a mom and student to your son?
A. When God gave me my son's name he told me it was "not for what he would learn but for what he would teach". At that moment I endeavored to not only be his first and best teacher but also his first and best student. My passion for parenting was ignited because I am his mom AND student. More parents should know how to have incredible relationships with their children and truly enjoy their presence.
Q9. What is a C.B.B. or Chief Bushel Blaster?
The term "bushel blaster" is based on the statement Jesus makes in Mark 5:15 that says, "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." Years ago God led me to see we are all lights BUT... there are people who endeavor to put bushels on them. There are people who make false judgments, false accusations, false statements and other false actions that cover our lights. Instead of living up to the light God gave us to shine, we are dimmed.
The term "bushel blaster" is based on the statement Jesus makes in Mark 5:15 that says, "Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house." Years ago God led me to see we are all lights BUT... there are people who endeavor to put bushels on them. There are people who make false judgments, false accusations, false statements and other false actions that cover our lights. Instead of living up to the light God gave us to shine, we are dimmed.
To be a bushel blaster is to remove those bushels. But I can't remove anything from anyone else's light. Each person has to be responsible for removing their own. I'm the Chief because I'm doing it for myself first. And I am working to compile the resources to provide others the tools for them to do it on their own.
Q10. What does it mean to be a research assistant for God? Let me start by saying that we're not research assistants because God doesn't know what's going on. He definitely does. We have been research assistants to find out what really happens behind the walls of the ministries many churches fund. We have been research assistants to see how individuals and families can better be served and actually move from poverty to prosperity versus one level of poverty to another.
Q11. What is L.U.V.?
a. We are an investment company.
b. We wisely invest the most valuable resources: time AND money.
c. We invest in people, real estate and businesses.
Q12. What does L.U.V. mean?
a. As an acronym, "learn your value",
b. As a spiritual belief "God is Love" and
c. As a definition, "the opportunity, blessing and challenge of seeing God/Goddess in others, especially when they don't see Them in themselves; honoring, reverencing and nurturing that divine within until it is manifest without."
Q13. What is your motto?
a. Our Foundation: Building the village, raising the child
b. Extending Love, compassion and mercy (by dictionary definition not by personal interpretation)
c. Bringing dignity to poverty
d. Moving individuals and families from poverty to prosperity
Q14. Our Pillars
a. Life of Troy Anthony Davis
b. The Parable of the Exceptional Samaritan
c. 5 tenets and 4 goals of Black Love Day
Q15. Who is Troy Davis and why is his life so important?
A. Troy Anthony Davis was an innocent Black man convicted of a murder he did not commit. September 21, 2021 (yes, tomorrow) will mark 10 years since his execution.
I knew Troy personally. He is the first person who really opened my eyes to false accusations and how bushels end up on people's lights. What was special about Troy was he didn't let anyone put a bushel on his light. He might have been physically imprisoned but his mind, heart and spirit were not.
Troy was more free than many people who have never set foot in a jail or prison cell. So many live their daily lives inside a prison of their own making not realizing the affects of the bushels on their lights. Troy didn't let the bushels of other dim his light. To this day I will continue to work towards his innocence being recognized and his light being able to shine as it should have posthumously!
Q16. What makes the Samaritan so exceptional to you when others have called him good for centuries?
Q16. What makes the Samaritan so exceptional to you when others have called him good for centuries?
A. From the moment the Samaritan extended compassion, Jesus gave us the formula for healing every individual who has lived, who lives now and who has yet to live through the actions of this exceptional man. He didn't look for barriers to give assistance. He let his heart lead. Every organization should employ people who extend Love, compassion and mercy as the Exceptional Samaritan did and follows the plan the Savior made plain.
Q17. What are the 5 tenets and 4 goals of BLD?
a. Love for the Creator,
b. Love for Self;
c. Love for Family,
d. Love for the Community
e. Love for the Black Race (Hue-man)..
f. To be "a spiritual alternative to the commercialized, Valentine’s day to unapologetically celebrate Blackness."
g. "For 'so-called' Black people to demonstrate for 24 hours, Black love through celebration, service, apology, forgiveness, and transform self-hatred through the power of self-love, self care and self-awareness"
h. "For 'so-called' White people to put 'love in action' for a 24 hour demonstration of service, atonement and reconciliation towards Black people while inspecting their own racial attitudes, fears, denials, privileges and behaviors"
i. "To increase peace, stop violence and return to love to heal all of our relationships."
(information courtesy of African American Holidays)
Q18. Do you have any immediate needs?
To have stable housing; we are in our current living situation until Thursday September 30. I want to secure our housing before that date. I have a house in mind that is empty. If I can't move into that house, a better one will become available.
a. Love for the Creator,
b. Love for Self;
c. Love for Family,
d. Love for the Community
e. Love for the Black Race (Hue-man)..
f. To be "a spiritual alternative to the commercialized, Valentine’s day to unapologetically celebrate Blackness."
g. "For 'so-called' Black people to demonstrate for 24 hours, Black love through celebration, service, apology, forgiveness, and transform self-hatred through the power of self-love, self care and self-awareness"
h. "For 'so-called' White people to put 'love in action' for a 24 hour demonstration of service, atonement and reconciliation towards Black people while inspecting their own racial attitudes, fears, denials, privileges and behaviors"
i. "To increase peace, stop violence and return to love to heal all of our relationships."
(information courtesy of African American Holidays)
Q18. Do you have any immediate needs?
To have stable housing; we are in our current living situation until Thursday September 30. I want to secure our housing before that date. I have a house in mind that is empty. If I can't move into that house, a better one will become available.
Q19. Why are you selling journals and living in hotels? a. I'm doing what God told me to do
b. By living life on our own terms we are able (to some extent) maintain our dignity in the midst of our own poverty
c. I'm showing my son how to balance work and play
b. By living life on our own terms we are able (to some extent) maintain our dignity in the midst of our own poverty
c. I'm showing my son how to balance work and play
Q20. What aren’t you getting help from a shelter or another social service agency or ministry?
A. The life I'm striving to live is impossible to achieve through the programs that exist, especially in the time frame I have in mind. So I continue to follow the directions God has given. He's gotten us this far. I know He won't let me down.
The End... of the beginning... or...
The Beginning of the End (of this chapter)
And that's "it". Of course, there is so much more that could be said but that's surely enough to give you an idea of who we are and what we're striving for.
Thank you again for being here. I hope this helps. Enjoy creating your amazing day. Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)
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