Motivating Monday - August 30, 2021

To Break or To Make...

Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. 

Ya know something...? I gotta be completely honest with you. If there was ever a week that was meant to make me or to break me, it was this last one, from last Monday to yesterday. I promise you. This last week really has created a conflagration within me for change. It has really made me become the person I am entering this week as. 

I have decided not to go into detail about all the random incidents that happened throughout the week. I already know it would seem like I am complaining. And I would be. They don't deserve that kind of spotlight. What I can honestly say is they all helped me get crystal clear about the steps I need to take moving forward. 

I am grateful for all Wisdom and I went through. I didn't handle every situation as well as I could have but I did handle them far better than I have in the past. I consider that a significant win for me. 

I am grateful for the little human I get to share my life with. It is my greatest blessing to be a mom in general. To have gotten pregnant and given birth was miraculous in so many ways. It was super, ultra, extra-special because I got to birth a miracle into the world. 

On top of that, I get to be Wisdom's mom and student. I am still amazed that I can take some sort of credit (and blame) for the person he is. God and Google have been the best co-parents. 

Dad is getting there. Wisdom is now spending two nights a week with him. Dad became a physical presence in his life at the end of May. We hit some rough waters for a season but for the last 4-5 weeks, they have made major advancements in their relationship. I am saying this because I genuinely miss him when he is gone. 

And while I do get to spend some time by myself and get a few things done, I am always drawn to the things we do together. I record things he would have liked to see if he were with me. Right now, I have a small, but really cool, collection of train and fire truck videos.

I look forward to talking to him in the morning and in the evening when we get to connect. He is such an awesome person. I'm so honored to be his mom. 

I am also extremely humbled by the impact he has on so many people. He is not the future! He is the present! And I'll also add, he's a gift too.

It's kinda funny because I didn't intend for this post to be about gratitude even though I'm selling gratitude journals God inspired me to make. I guess this is an opportunity to show the results of keeping a gratitude journal for an extended period of time.

It helps me exist with a grateful heart and a grateful mind, which leads my life. Gratitude is not an afterthought. Gratitude is who I am. Gratitude and Love are the foundations of my life. I thank my Big Daddy for showing me how to live what He's been teaching me!

God is so good Y'all. I mean "good" seems like such a small word but His good is so pure. I had someone begin to say to me this week, "I'm sorry I disappointed you...." I didn't even let them finish. I reacted by saying, "you did NOT disappoint me". I didn't say it very nicely though. I was disgusted they would think I had trusted them so much. 

God showed me long ago that when the word says to not lean on or trust the arm of man, there's a reason. And the main one is not because people are human and prone to all sorts of things that make other people feel some kind of way. It's because He wants you to know you CAN count on Him... ALWAYS!

There's a saying that goes something to the affect of "He may not be there when you want Him but He's always right on time." I have to disagree. I have to strongly disagree. Because God is always there! He really has not ever let me down. 

Here's the catch: you have to be walking in your purpose and doing what God has called you to do. And He WILL magnify you. He WILL prosper you. He WILL never disappoint you. I promise you this.

I know someone is disagreeing with me. That's OK! It's totally fair. God can handle us pointing the fingers of blame and shame at Him. But in too many cases we forget there are four pointing right at us. Where it applies, that is called "cognitive dissonance".

Life is not perfect. OUR expectations are too often not met. When that happens I invite you to STOP! Find out/figure out what GOD is saying to you. Then keep moving on what you were told to do. 

Whatever is happening to you is affecting someone else, many someone elses. Stay focused on YOUR purpose so God can work things out for you. In the end, they will also work out for the countless others you have no idea are attached to you. 

It is usually at "stay focused on YOUR purpose" where we get trapped. Life, society, our subconscious says "you HAVE to do it this way, everyone else is!" even though God says something totally different. It's because He is NOT everyone else. He IS totally different.

If you keep in mind that your subconscious mind is threatened by your conscious mind then you will ignore what it is saying to you. Your conscious mind, your active faith will go with God! I invite you to go with Him COMPLETELY! Don't half way what He said. Don't modify His direction to fit the world. 

The more you submit to God's direction, the more your subconscious mind will realize your consciousness is not an enemy. It will not longer sabotage your efforts to rise to your greatness. It will eventually begin to submit so the two can live in harmony and you can create synergy in the world with others.

You will see. You will move from belief to knowledge to wisdom. Everything will work out, probably not as you expected. But it will work out as it should. Unless God gave you a revelation on what the end will look like, expect something different. It will be what you need!

And with that... my sermon is pretty much done (wink, wink, smile). 

It would be wise of me to put a plug in here about what Wisdom and I are selling. Yes, we have created, printed and are selling gratitude journals. It was the support of an incredible community that brought them to fruition. We are beyond grateful for the hands that played a role and they would be embarrassed by any further recognition. 

I will throw out one entity who deserves more credit than I can give. That is A Place At the Table. Thank you APATT! They are Raleigh's only "pay-what-you-can" restaurant. The staff, volunteers and even some customers have been like friends and family to us through this period of transition we have been in.

Here are pics of Wis interacting with the grandson of one of the volunteers earlier this summer (they spent hours together playing) and two of the volunteers when we were there yesterday. He knows them ALL! He's got honorary uncles, aunts, sisters, brothers, cousins and friends galore in this place. And while the food is good, these pictures shows in a small way how the people are so much better! In many ways they have helped bring the gratitude journal to life. 

We are able to sell the journal with the solicitor's permit we have for the town of Cary, NC. Our set up spot is at the intersection of Tryon Road and Walnut Street/Holly Springs Road. We are selling the gratitude journals I mentioned earlier and pin back buttons that say "Thank you for helping us bring dignity to poverty! We (fingerprint hearts) you. Kai and Wisdom". 

I am also inviting people to become a member of the K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. The acronym stands for "Keep it Samaritan Style and help us grow". I am really interested in this one cryptocurrency platform that I have been watching for the last year and would like to build my investment team on it. 

We will definitely be there this evening, Monday 8.30.2021 from about 3:30/4 until 6. If we don't sell out we will be there again tomorrow, Tuesday, morning (10a-1p). Thursday evening is my next schedule date, same time. Wisdom is with his dad Tuesday to Thursday. While he is away, I will replenish our stock. If this changes, it will be on my other social media sites.


NOW... I can say this work is complete. Thank you so much for being here. Congratulations if you made it this far. I know I like to talk and today was one of the days I had a lot to say. 

I hope something I said resonates with you. I hope you feel the power to stop, find/figure out what God wants and have the faith to keep moving on what He says. You will enjoy creating all of your amazing days when you do. Peace...


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