Motivating Monday (on Wednesday): April 14, 2021

Recognizing Distractions

Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you for being here. I am honored. 

If you weren't sent here by the petition I posted on, I invite you to stand with me in solidarity as I fight for my right to parent my son in environments that are nurturing to his heart, mind, body and spirit. You can find the petition here:

What is before you is a modified version of the document I sent to/shared with the Executive Director of the Christian social service ministry who was paying for our housing. It is modified as an attempt to not disclose any identifying information of the organizations or their employees. I hope I have done that sufficiently. 

It is not my intent to slander. It is my intent to bring awareness to injustices that go unspoken by those who experience them. I intend to stop them where and when I can. 

This is the email I sent early Monday morning hoping to review it with the Executive Director in person when I went to the ministry to meet him. When they weren't available with me for whatever reason, I ended up having a phone conversation with another individual in leadership later that afternoon. The contents of that conversation are not present here so what is found below is slightly incomplete but some of what they said is found in the videos I created.

I created these two videos to share at least some of what is here. There is a lot of information. The first is called "Thinking Win-Win! Set Up to Lose" and the second is basically what I forgot to mention in the first video.

Now you might be curious as to why this is called "Recognizing Distractions" when all I've talked about is the situation my son and I have been placed in. Well... it's because this whole situation IS a distraction. Don't allow yourself to be swayed too far from the path you are supposed to be on. 

This situation started to do that to me. I know I was doing what I was directed to do when I was told my housing would become unstable in just days. I've spent a lot of time looking for answers and I feel I've gotten what I need to know. My experiences continue to fuel the fire for change burning within me to fight for those who don't know what I know and won't do what I will do. 

If you're on errand for the Lord, He will protect you as He directs your path. Stay true to Him and He'll stay true to you. I promise this is true. Even when it seems like the odds are stacked against you, He WILL come through. 

Love you all. Despite the challenges it's still another amazing day in paradise. In the end, you'll see it's the challenges that make the day so amazing, especially when they are overcome. Enjoy the amazing day you're creating. Peace... 

Email to the Executive Director

My Thoughts

I was asked if I wanted to be referred to a partner agency on Wednesday, March 24, less than 24 hours after my initial meeting with the case manager assigned to me and my son. I was not given any information about the program other than it helps us find housing, pays the first month's rent and security deposit. The case manager admitted that's all they knew about it and kept asking me if they could send the referral.

12 days after that experience, I had a chance to review the documents sent to me by the partner agency. I asked questions that weren't being answered. The day after my inquiry, I found out my son and I would be required to move into a shelter. This was 5 days before we would have to move.

When I contacted the case manager, I told her we would not be participating with the partner agency and asked where we stood with the ministry. I was told services would end on Sunday the 11th, less than 3 days away. When she asked me why I was not participating, she asked if it was because I had to move. I told her "yes, I'm not going to sacrifice my son". She stated she had just found out on Wednesday that we were expected to move to another Christian shelter.

Inquiring further, when I spoke with the supervisor on Friday afternoon, 4.9.2021, they told me that the case manager would not have known about the move the day they asked my permission to send the referral. Then they admitted they believed the ministry would continue to pay for our stay as had been done in the past. I have no idea when the supervisor found out my son and I would have to move once we were enrolled in the program. 

If they believed our hotel stay would continue they did not educate the case manager on the possibility that my son and I would have to move once we enrolled so I could make an informed decision and choose what my next steps would be. The supervisor knew on March 24 that there was a possibility my son and I have to move at some point yet this information was not disclosed to me. Here is a timeline of events.

The Timeline

Tuesday, March 23, 2021, ~ My first conversation with Case manager
Call duration @ 2:30 p.m.: 34 minutes 52 seconds
Call duration @ 3:04 p.m.: 22 minutes 58 seconds (we were disconnected)
I explained to I was anxious because I know programs expect something of you (I had expressed the same to the supervisor when I met them in person to sign paperwork on March 17).
When asked what was expected they claimed the ministry program was “self-directed”
I expressed concern over the health concerns I was experiencing with my blood pressure being 144/96 and having pain in my left heel on a daily basis

Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 2:44 p.m. ~ Received call from Case manager about being matched with partner agency
Call duration: 16 minutes 20 seconds
During this call I was told I was “matched” with a partner agency. I asked the case manager on several occasions what this meant. They admitted they couldn’t explain it, only saying they help to find housing and provide the security deposit and first month’s rent. They kept asking if I wanted them to send in the referral. I agreed.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021, 3:18 p.m. ~ Received call from partner agency (partner agency) to do initial intake
Call duration: 29 minutes 5 seconds
I was surprised to receive a call so quickly
There was no discussion of my son and I having to move
I was told the paperwork I needed to fill out would be emailed to me
An appointment to go over the paperwork was made for the following week

Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 10:58 a.m. ~ partner agency forms sent from via email (6 days later)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021, 1:04 p.m. ~ Phone call with partner agency to do overview of document package; call duration: 28 minutes 6 seconds (2 hours after receiving them)
When I asked when I needed to return them I was told whenever I can
I agreed to return them by Monday since it was a holiday weekend
I said I wanted to go over them on my laptop, not on my phone

Monday, April 5, 2021, 5:01 a.m. ~ Email sent with enrollment forms and questions; this was done after spending at (minimum) an hour reviewing the content, especially the handbook which I read through twice; my questions were as follows:

1. You asked me about my bills. Does the partner agency help with those expenses initially, such as my cell phone and storage? If so, my (cell phone) bill is due on Friday. If not, the ministry does. The storage unit is paid up but, as I mentioned, my cell phone bill is due on Friday. May I ask them to help with that bill as I transition from one program to the other?

2. What are the parameters for where I should look for housing?

3. What is the average rent for a two bedroom?

4. The contract says the partner agency will pay for "basic standard of habitability". If what I find is beyond the "basic standard" but is within the parameters of average rent, will you still help me acquire it?

5. The ministry has paid for our room until this Sunday, 4.11.2021. What happens after that? Will we have to move? Will you pay another month, week-by-week or other? (Personal Note: I’m asking this 6 days before our paid stay ends with Dorcas because neither service provider had mentioned it.)

Monday, April 5, 2021, 7:13 p.m. ~ Email set notifying the case manager I had submitted the contract; (Personal Note: I had forgotten [or didn’t have time] to send it earlier

Tuesday, April 6, 2021, 2:05 p.m. ~ Email response sent from partner agency; the responses to my questions are bold italics:

1. You asked me about my bills. Does the partner agency help with those expenses initially, such as my cell phone and storage? If so, my bill is due on Friday. If not, Dorcas does. The storage unit is paid up but, as I mentioned, my cell phone bill is due on Friday. May I ask them to help with that bill as I transition from one program to the other? ​We do not assist with cell phone bills. I will confirm the answer about storage and follow up with you.

2. What are the parameters for where I should look for housing?… ​You can look for housing anywhere in..., depending on your income. Keep in mind that some property owners require that you make two or three times the rent. Once you have a stable source of income, and check stubs to document that income, we can better assess the type of housing you can acquire. Our case managers and housing navigation team will not set you up to fail. They will not place you in a place that you cannot afford to pay for without future assistance.

3. What is the average rent in... for a two bedroom? ​This varies depending on the community where you reside.

4. The contract says the partner agency will pay for "basic standard of habitability". If what I find is beyond the "basic standard" but is within the parameters of average rent, will you still help me acquire it? The ​partner agency will help you acquire a property that is within your household budget. Once you are enrolled into our program, you will be assigned a case manager (Mentor Advocate). They will assist you in your search of properties that the numbers show you can afford.

5. The ministry has paid for our room until this Sunday, 4.11.2021. What happens after that? Will we have to move? Will you pay another month, week-by-week or other? ​I have noted that [the ministry’s] assistance ends on the 11th. It is important that we get you enrolled prior to that. We are no longer enrolling new clients into our hotel assistance program. That has ended. As we discussed, you were matched/referred to us for.... With..., we assist with security deposit, first month's rent, and utilities deposits. If we get your signed documents back and supporting documentation, I can go ahead and upload it into our system so that you can be matched with a case manager who will assist you with temporary placement options. I do know that some of our partner agencies have bed space until you can become stably housed.

Personal Note: This is the first time anyone has addressed my son and I not staying where we have achieved stability over the four plus weeks we have been housed. As far as I understand, stability would indicate we have a roof over our heads, it is paid for and we are able to govern ourselves as we so desire. My son and I have all three in the hotel.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 7:01 a.m. ~ Appointment made for phone call with the case manager

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 7:08 a.m. ~ Email sent to the case manager stating I had set up an appointment for Thursday afternoon but hoped we could speak that day. I let them know I would not be available in the morning (Wednesday) but would be in the afternoon if they were able to call

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 7:53 a.m. ~ Email response sent to partner agency saying I would be in touch (Personal Note: Even though I had decided not to participate based on the way the questions were answered, I wanted to speak to the ministry before letting partner agency know.)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 10:31 a.m. ~ Email response sent from partner agency asking me to expedite paperwork

Wednesday, April 7, 2021, 10:36 a.m. ~ Missed call from the case manager

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 9:23 a.m. ~ Left message for the case manager inviting an earlier call

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 3:30 p.m. ~ Received call from the case manager at scheduled time;
Call duration: 13 minutes 26 seconds

What I Learned During My Conversation

They didn’t know I would be moving until the day before we spoke (Wednesday, 4.7, I would later find out it was late Tuesday afternoon)

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 3:46 p.m. ~ Email response sent to partner agency to remove myself from participating in their program

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 4:02 p.m. ~ Sent copy of phone bill to ministry since I technically was still their client

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 4:22 p.m. ~ Text notification sent to my phone saying bill had been paid

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 4:23 p.m. ~ Email sent to the case manager thanking them for the payment

Thursday, April 8, 2021, 4:31 p.m. ~ Email sent from the ministry about pledge to pay phone bill

Friday, April 9, 2021, 9:45 a.m. ~ Call with person who referred us to the ministry to share my experience and get input;
Call duration: 40 minutes 56 seconds

Friday, April 9, 2021, 10:26 a.m. ~ Left message for supervisor;
Call duration: 1 minute 41 seconds

Friday, April 9, 2021, 10:29 a.m. ~ Left message for Asst. Director;
Call duration: 1 minute 57 seconds

Friday, April 9, 2021, 10:56 a.m. ~ Left message for Executive Director;
Call duration: 2 minutes 13 seconds

Friday, April 9, 2021, 12:59 p.m. ~ Sent an email to all three I had left messages for

Friday, April 9, 2021, 2:03 p.m. ~ Received call from Supervisor;
Call duration: 47 minutes 57 seconds

What I Learned During My Conversation

Supervisor didn’t expect us to move when the referral came in. She stated, in the past the ministry has paid for their clients to remain in the hotel even while working with the partner agency. My understanding is the partner agency has also historically taken over paying for the client’s stay. As the email stated they were no longer enrolling people in that program. (Personal Note: the partner agency rep knew that the first time we spoke yet did not disclose it until I asked0.)

Supervisor and I disagree on what creates stability.

They felt that being in any shelter situation where I have to sleep and eat under someone else’s rules and subject my son to unknown behaviors from other children is stability (That is not compassion).

I know that being mentally, emotionally and spiritually stable brings stability no matter where you are, no matter what circumstances you are in. When I maintain the right to rule myself and my household as I please and provide my son with experiences and people who will assist in his growth as a productive and contributing member of society it doesn’t matter where we stay. Once my rights are stripped from me, I no longer have mental, spiritual and emotional stability. We have slept in a car (2019) and in our storage (December 2020 for two weeks). I chose those situations and had way more peace because of it.

The supervisor wouldn’t divulge when they found out we had to move but they knew there was a possibility we would have to when the match came into the office.

The supervisor indicated the Case manager would not have known there was a potential we would have to move when they spoke to me on the 24th. They were genuinely uninformed of what they were inviting me to do. (Personal Note: that seems unfair to the client and the case manager. They have to enforce policies on an unaware client. There is no compassion in that.)

The supervisor would not address, let alone apologize, for their error. They kept saying we were “obviously” not a good match because I had openly stated I would not get a job.

Personal Note: I will not get a job. I have a career as a mom. It’s a full time position. Moving forward to create genuine stability for my son and I, I desire to have an income generating career and own a business. The business I desire to create requires training, two of them, and I want to pursue being educated.
I had a strategic plan created by 3 MBA students in October 2020 as part of a competition I participated in. The competition is called the Small Business School Challenge. The 3rd installment of the Small Business School Challenge just happened this past weekend. The plan provides me with all the steps I should take to earn the money I need to become trained and the resources to pre-launch my business in the process of being trained. I asked my case manager for the chance to review it and implement it as part of my stay with the ministry. They had intended to review it but my case management was being transferred so I never sent it.

My Expectations

I cannot blame the staff of the ministry entirely because the partner agency rep is at fault too. They should have said something from the beginning. Between the two organizations I believe our stay should be covered to account for the time between when I was first informed and when I found out about the move plus the days I have already paid for. That would be 13+3 days, so 16 days in all.

I am grateful to the staff at the hotel who honored my word about what transpired but they admitted going through similar situations in the past. Apparently, while the ministry is known for helping people get off the street temporarily. They are also known for leaving people in a lurch and not actually moving people from poverty to stability. I don't know the cause for this. It could very well be the fault of the client. But it has, on occasion, ended up being a disadvantage for the hotel when people have not been able to pay and the ministry no longer will. That was the reasoning they gave to me when I asked if I could pay what I had.

In my situation I was not at fault. I do not have evidence to support why I was not notified of every possibility there was in my situation in connecting with the partner agency nor why there was such a delay in me receiving the paperwork from the partner agency so I could review it. I speculate that what happened is similar to what happens in most service organizations. When people are in need, the providers believe the people are so desperate they will submit to whatever situation they are given. I'm not like that. My son and I are a son and daughter of God. And if you ask Him, we are among His favorites. I don't allow anyone to treat us any kind of way.

This level of discourtesy and disrespect has been prevalent throughout every experience I have had with service organizations. It will not happen to us though. I refuse to have another individual from another service organization, touting Christian values, treat me with less respect than they would expect themselves.


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