Motivating Monday (On Tuesday): March 9, 2021

Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. A belated Happy Monday to you. It's my favorite day of the week. Thank you so much for being here, whether it's for the first time or again. I appreciate you investing your time with me, us (Wisdom and I).  

I had a light bulb moment between yesterday afternoon and the early hours of this morning. Yesterday was International Women's Day! It celebrates women around the world making strides in leadership on so many levels. With that in the back of my mind, I pressed forward to complete a blog article to post yesterday. Yet I didn't.


Because I've started planning, effectively. And I should have had the post done before my son woke up and it wasn't. I had scheduled my morning to have time with him. I've really wanted to dedicate a set time to him because our mornings have not been structured. But I was already breaking it by spending the morning trying to get the post done.

When I stopped and started to spend time with him, it hit me how I really just want to be a mom. My dream life started the moment he was born and he was healthy. Most people don't know Wisdom is a miracle child or why, but he is. I'd like to tell you how!

I was having irregular periods when I got pregnant. That alone made my pregnancy quite the surprise. I was also an older first time mom. I gave birth at 42 weighing around 250 lbs. I wasn't at a healthy age or weight to be getting pregnant, carrying a child or giving birth. 

I was induced 4 weeks early because my blood pressure was sky high. The doctors were afraid I would end up with preeclampsia and that would be bad for both of Wisdom and I. When he was born, naturally, without any drugs, his umbilical cord had a knot in it. 

This is normally a great detriment to the infant but Wisdom was perfectly fine. He has developed without complications or delays. And those who know him recognize how exceptional he is in many ways. 

We've walked a road of poverty, even extreme financial poverty at times, for the last 18 months or so. Despite all the challenges we have been through, Wisdom makes every single day magical. It's time he got to see what magical really looks like. 

This is where I could use your help. It's time for us to be raised from poverty to prosperity. I'm building the village of people who will help us do this in every way possible. First and foremost we need money. We need to get out of the "one room chateau" we've been living in, like ASAP. Moving to a house is next on our agenda. 

We have walked through this journey with God as our guide and this is the direction He is telling me to go. It's time to build our village. I used the verse from Matthew 7:7 as the title for this post because you have to ask in order to receive. 

I'm asking. God already told me people might get the wrong impression. I've feel like I'm always asking for money in one way or another. Thankfully God reminds me this is an exchange. I have invested. I am investing. And I will continue to invest. Money is not the only investable/tradeable commodity. 

So this ask is an invitation to be a part of the village which will raise me and Wisdom from poverty to prosperity. Once we have, we will help others do the same and your investment will reach further than you ever thought possible.

If you're here to help these are the ways:

You can contribute via any of these links:

*Cash App: $WCTsMom, Wisdom's Mom
(Don't have Cash App? 
Try it using my code and you’ll get $5. HJZWQSR

*PayPal or Venmo:

*Debit/Credit card via Square Checkout

If for some reason you feel uncomfortable contributing to my private campaign I am OK with that. I need access to the money immediately. That's why I'm doing it this way. 

As I mentioned, our most immediate need is to move out of our "one room chateau". On a daily basis the quality of our lives is being diminished on a number of levels by being here. The moment I have enough money to move from here, we are out.

I have no problem if my request doesn't sit well with you. My one plea is PLEASE don't leave without contributing something somewhere. These are the organizations who have helped me and Wisdom in ways I can never say "thank you" enough for. 

If you have that $1 I asked for, please consider donating $1 (or more) to one of the entities listed or purchasing something from a vendor. They are always helping others and could use the support.

1. A Place At the Table, Raleigh, NC

2. Covenant Christian Church, Cary, NC

3. A Place Called Hope Church, Raleigh, NC

4. Donations are now being accepted for "Operation Laptop" an emerging project of the Motivation Reader's Mastermind Network to purchase iPads for students of the Count Bassie Middle School in Jamaica, NY. For more information, please call Mastermind Stan Anderson for details at 917.968.0507. 

You can also join our Mastermind calls Tuesday through Saturday, 8 a.m. or our Wednesday night call at 8 p.m. on Zoom; Meeting ID: 775 753 9749, Passcode: 316364. The Dial-in Number is 929-205-6099, Meeting ID: 775 753 9749#, Passcode 316364#.

Or finally 5. purchase "And Then There Was Jesus" by Pooja Chilukuri. This book created an essential pivot in my life that I needed at the time I needed it. Pooja has been a sponsor for the YouTube show I hosted last summer and has become a good friend as well. So please purchase this book or anyone of her other books and/or services. 

❧ Comment on a blog post
❧ Follow my Instagram, let me know you were there
❧ Like my Facebook business page, say hi!
❧ Subscribe to my YouTube channel, leave a word of encouragement

I'm working to build a brand. Social media is one of the most important ways to do so. In the near future I anticipate passing the reins to a circle of leaders who can take it where it needs to grow (yes, grow). I want to hand them something vibrant and already experiencing consistent growth. This will allow me to have the time I desire with Wis. 

If you'd like to "meet" my son, Wisdom, and I, please check out this video we created to introduce ourselves and our mission. We recorded three and Wis chose the one he liked the most. Here is an excerpt from one where he goes into detail about the house we want to get. It's too cute not to share. 

We Love you. Enjoy creating your day. We are! Peace...


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