Motivating Monday ~ November 2, 2020


Welcome and welcome back! Happy Monday! It's my favorite day of the week. I'm so excited to have you here with me. Thank you for joining me on this journey. The adventures never end. 

There's so much on my mind, but then again, there always is. Here are the things I want to share with you:

* Relaunch

* The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club

* #SpreadLove #SpreadLUV Campaign

* Senior Sponsors

* Thank YOU!


L.U.V. Enterprises was registered with the State of North Carolina as a sole proprietorship on December 23, 2019, my son's birthday. Today, November 2, 2020 is our re-birth day! We have come a long way to get here. We still have a ways to go to arrive at our next destination but I'm excited about what has happened in between.

There have definitely been some ups and downs. It wouldn't be life if there were not! Each has been a brilliant and beauty opportunity to learn. It's hard not to be grateful for each experience. I invite you to check out my blog post from Friday, "The Blue Moon Edition", to find out a little more about what's been going it. I'll warn you now, there are two parts. It contains quite a bit of information. 

Something important about this relaunch is the schedule I created so the content across all aspects of L.U.V. is consistent. Here's a look at what you can expect!


Mondays at 9 a.m. ~ Motivating Mondays blog post

Tuesdays and Fridays at 1 p.m. ~ New Facebook content on my business page L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

Wednesdays and Saturdays at 1 p.m. ~ New Instagram content @luventerprises (Yes! I have a new Instagram account.)

Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. ~ L.U.V. Notes Pre-show on YouTube Channel L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

Thursdays at 7 p.m. ~ L.U.V. Notes LIVE on YouTube Channel L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

Please Note: Now there might be more content posted on Facebook and Instagram as the need or desire arises. But this gives me something to be consistent with and accountable for.

If you haven't done so yet please...

Follow us on Instagram: @luventerprises

Like us on Facebook: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: L.U.V. Enterprises Presents

This schedule manifest itself once I took a two week break after participating in The Small Business School Challenge. I worked with the three MBA students from Duke Fuqua School of Business who created a strategic plan for L.U.V. to grow. That plan came in third place, locally among other Fuqua teams. 

I'm excited about implementing it. But I'm even more excited about getting others involved in L.U.V. to do so. Please look forward to me introducing members of my Leadership Circle in the near future. In the meantime, without that group of people, I do need a support network, those I can be held accountable to in order to implement all aspects of the strategic plan I was gifted with. 

I would like that support network to be financially invested. I expect them to hold me accountable for the next aspects of what I'm doing because their money is being used to fund it. I feel that is a fair trade. But there is a deeper meaning for me. 

I have been on this journey with God for some time now, for years now. This is nothing new. I have asked for funding over and over and over again for several projects that came to mind. There is a reason for that. There is a VERY specific reason for that. 

You see, what God has me creating, building and launching for Him HAS TO BE community funded. There has to be a need and desire for this to come to pass. If there are people who want it then they will help sustain it. Going even deeper they will recommend others sustain it too so the community grows. 

Sooooo... One of the recommendations from my MBA students when I participated in The Small Business School Challenge from October 15-17 was to start a Go Fund Me as a way to raise the seed money. The challenge I have with a GFM is I want those who invest to hold me accountable. I want this to be personal from both sides. So God put it in my heart to create this exclusive club called The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club. I introduced this in the Blue Moon Edition of my blog on Friday.

THE K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. CLUB

Sooooo... I am thrilled to introduce The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club again. This is not a GFM Campaign. This is a Cash App/PayPal Campaign. There's a very specific reason for that. Most people might think it is because it's instantaneous. It's a surprise though.

There reason for the name is because there is no better way to express true Love than with a kiss and a hug. So what better way could there be to show L.U.V. Love than to K.I.S.S. and H.U.G.? Ready for what it means? 

This acronym means: 

"Keep (or keeping) ISamaritan Style and Help UGrow!" 

The Samaritan was an investor. Initially he invested his personal time and energy in helping the certain man he found wounded on the road. Then he spent one night with him, caring for him. When he no longer had time to invest he invested funds. The Samaritan was an investor. 

The host became an investor too. It's possible they would help care for the certain man, but not full time. They would have to engage their community in the opportunity to help the certain man completely recover. The host would also have to invest his own money until the Samaritan returned to give them more. The host had "Samaritan style". They were both investors of time and money.

I'm looking for others who have this same type of style. Perhaps you're engaged with things where you can't commit time to what I'm doing. That's understandable. If you've got some extra funds to spare I would definitely appreciate you investing some in my direction. 

The total amount I need is $1500. I have collected about $450 through private investors and from my L.U.V. Notes Senior Sponsors. I need about $1000 more to truly launch L.U.V. the way it needs to be. 

Now three weeks ago I was looking to collect $5000. That's because there were two trainings I was trying to sign up for. The deadlines for those have passed so I cannot participate in them in the timeframe I was initially looking at. The cost of those courses was $3500. I'm seeking the balance of $1500. 

One of the main items this money will pay for is a new laptop. I am genuinely stuck between a rock and a hard place with the one I have. It was gifted to me but the administrator's account was not removed so I can't even update the virus protection without their password, let alone download software I need to work. It's been more than frustrating. I don't complain though because I have a laptop! It's simply time for a new one.

Since I consider this an investment, there are three levels to invest at and a return for each. The investment levels are:

$1 to $50 ~ 

  • Member of my Accountability Crew
  • Gratitude Journal Download

$51 - $99 ~ 

  • Member of my Accountability Crew
  • Digital Gratitude Journal
  • Custom denim bag 

$100 and over ~

  • Member of my Accountability Crew
  • Digital Gratitude Journal
  • Invitation to participate in Circle of Security 8 week workshop (once I'm certified)

Accountability Crew: Every week you will receive a link to join me live on Sunday evenings from 6 to 6:30 p.m. I will recount how I invested the funds. This will be for 8 weeks (starting on Sunday, November 8 the last one will be December 27, 2021). If you are not able to join us I will email a private link to the recording once it is posted. This is a spiritual journey for me so Sunday is the ideal day to be accountable for the way the week played out. 

Gratitude Journal Download: This is an important component to the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. I often say "in order to change your life, you have to change your mind." This is not just about choosing different choices. This is about actually changing the contents of your mind and the directions of your thoughts. If you are directing your mind to think positively on a daily basis through writing in your gratitude journal, your mind will eventually change to think positively on a daily basis all the time. Your brain is a muscle so you have to be consistent or you'll lose it over time. 

Custom Denim Bag: It is my passion to create things. One of my favorite things to make is denim bags out of old jeans. I can design them for a male or female. You can see some of my creations here. I'm not the best photographer. They look so much better in person. But you get the idea. I would be honored to create one for you as a return for your investment. 

Circle of Security Training: This training taught me so much about me and about my son. If you invest more than $100 with me you will receive an invitation to participate in this 8 week workshop along with everything else. I'm so excited to get certified as a facilitator. This training truly changed my life as I understood myself better. AND... I can see how effective it has been with my son. I invite you to invest now and save on the cost of registration now. PLUS you'll get the gratitude journal too. 

How To Get Started: 

1. Because you have the details of the investment here in this post, you commit to those details once you send your payment through Cash App or PayPal. Please include your email in the To/For/Note section so I can send you a reminder of what you committed to regarding your investment return. 

You can find me on both using: 984.989.4461.

If you have any questions, comments or concerns you can also reach me at 984.989.4461.

If you've never used Cash App before and would like to, please try it using my code and you’ll get $5: ZCNFQFR or 

2. Once you've sent your investment, you will hear back from me within 24 hours. There will be a link to the first Sunday meeting as well as a copy of the gratitude journal. If you're getting a custom denim bag we'll need to communicate further. If you have qualified for the workshop you'll be given a number on my waitlist. 

3. It's that simple. 

Please Love L.U.V and become a member of the K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club! 


I have not given up on this campaign. Despite how much we need Love and L.U.V. in the current state of our world, there is a time and a season for everything. This is not the time or season for this campaign BUT it will be back


I have the absolute best Senior Sponsors. I have two being spotlighted this week. A huge thank you to Christopher McIver II. Another one goes to Anthony and Dominique from Beard and Brawn

Please check them out. Put it on your calendar to check out excerpts from their interviews during my L.U.V. Notes Pre-show on Thursday, November 5, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. I'm so excited to share them with you. 


The last few weeks have been full of experiences that I could not have imagined. I am so grateful for each and every one of them. I'm so grateful for all the amazing people I met and have connected with. 

Honestly, it has been a trying time for me but in the most fiery parts of those times brilliance shines. God's brilliance in me is shining! It is such a challenge to give yourself credit like that sometimes. People tend think you're arrogant or whatever. But that's not arrogance. That's confidence and confidence comes from God. 

I am His GREATEST creation! He allowed me to connect to His power and manifest the brilliance He put in me to shine. That's why I'm the Chief Bushel Blaster for L.U.V. Enterprises, to help others blast the bushels off their lights like God has helped me do to mine. 

You are the same, His GREATEST creation! Don't believe me? Take some inspiration from 2021 Texas Teacher of the Year, Eric Hale. If you haven't heard of him you need to know him. He is the first Black man to be named Teacher of the Year. 

I watched a video clip of him on a talk show he was on before this accomplishment. He was on being recognized for another prestigious award he'd been given. When asked by the host if he was surprised by the accolade he responded, "no". He tells his students all the time they are champions. He even wears a championship wrestling belt when he teaches and let's his children know they are champions too though the vast majority of them live below the poverty line.

He inspires and is inspiring. What an incredible journey he is on. I'm grateful to be on my own "incredible journey". Thank you again for being here. Once again please consider joining The K.I.S.S. and H.U.G. Club so we can complete this aspect of the journey. 

The best is yet to come... for me and for you too. Keep pressing towards whatever goal you have in mind. There is no win or lose when you learn from every aspect of the adventure. 

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. 

Peace, Love and God's continued blessings. Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)


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