MY Independence Summer...The NEW Emancipation Proclamation

Well Dang Ya'll... This post is long over due! It's been almost a month since I last posted. There is so much that has happened in that time.

Soooooo... if you read or listened to my "From Beggar to Investor" Series, you already know I had BIG plans for this summer, especially Juneteenth 2020! It was supposed to be a four day extravaganza, called "Proclaim Your Emancipation Weekend", starting Friday and ending on Monday. I initially wanted it to be live but with COVID-19 it was easy to flip it to become virtual, in my mind. Now I'm sure you're wondering "well, what happened then?"

The world exploded!

And I got silent. 

At least I did for a little while. If you look back on this blog you'll see the four day series I did. Then Juneteenth came. I initiated my own personal Independence Summer. And I hosted my own Proclaim Your Emancipation Weekend by proclaiming my own emancipation.

With so much focus on the Black Lives Matter movement, I was directed to focus on the Black lives that matter the most to me. The ones that are still alive. My fight had already started for them therefore it was to continue for them. But first I had to claim my own victory. So I proclaimed my own emancipation. Here is what I did, am and will continue to proclaim emancipation from. 

I proclaim my emancipation from self-deception.
I proclaim my emancipation from being un- or under- parented. 
I proclaim my emancipation from poverty on all levels: spiritual, emotional, mental and physical.
I proclaim my emancipation from self-betrayal.
I proclaim my emancipation from self-sabotage.

I'm not going to go into detail to describe what those mean at this point. I simply realized that these are the shackles that the PAID 2 Parent program unlock so we can be truly free. The reasons why are:

1. P2P is culturally relevant to Black people. It is immersed in Black culture so people can gain a sense of our collective greatness.

2. P2P is spiritually centered so the focus is taken off of net work and put on divine worth. 

3. P2P is scientifically grounded meaning the foundation of this program can be defended by scientific data. It might be one of the few areas where people can successfully bring science and spirituality together. 

4. P2P is fun! It is not a "work, work, work you're a grown up" program. There is plenty of work to do but there is a balance brought by the amount of fun that is required. It's odd to think that fun is required but many people wouldn't have fun if someone didn't tell them to! And that's the truth. 

So I'm excited. PAID 2 Parent is essentially the NEW Emancipation Proclamation. That's what God wrote on my heart because it's the one thing that hasn't been recreated yet. We have defined modern slavery and the new Jim Crow. But we haven't created a NEW Emancipation Proclamation. Welllllll... here it is! 

And I'm honored to be the one introducing it. Thank you Father God! 

In conclusion, I have to say I think the biggest reason this journey has been so special to me is because it has brought me closer to my Father, my Savior, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gift of my own spirit. 

I understand the life of Christ better now with all Wisdom and I have experienced

I understand my Heavenly Father better now with all Wisdom and I have experienced

I connect my spirit to Spirit better now with all Wisdom and I have experienced. 

There is no way I can be anything but honored to introduce this to the world. And I'm honored you are on this journey with me. The best is yet to come. Parenting is the change we can count on. 

Create today. It's another amazing day in paradise. May your choices make it the best day ever. Peace...


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