...Happy Human Rights Day

Well... it's here finally!  Of course I'm talking about my birthday but I'm also talking about Human Rights Day.  And it's now gone.  Twenty-four hours pass quickly when you're having fun.  It's amazing how time can seem to just slip through your fingers when you're in pursuit of your greatest self.  There is never enough of it.  This reminds me to look at time as my most precious possession and invest it wisely.  If I do that then I know I'll get the greatest return on it.  If I don't, it will be wasted.  Either way...I'll never get it back.  I promise you I cannot afford to make that mistake. 

For Human Rights Day this year I celebrated it by calling, texting and/or giving thank you notes to those who are a part of my "pregnancy care team".  I wanted them to know how much I appreciate them upholding my rights and providing the "special care and assistance" the declaration says I'm entitled to all without me asking.  Now with the pursuit of my endeavor I'm commemorating Human Rights Day "always" and, the plan is to do it in many ways. 

I know I'm passionate about this because from this very unique journey with my pregnancy, I have realized that the war on poverty was lost a long time ago and simply became a war on the impoverished.  And that's not right or fair.  The children that are being brought into this world already have an unfair advantage when they are born into poverty that is like climbing to the moon starting at the bottom of the ocean.  Some never make it to the surface of the ocean, they drown before they ever get there. That's got to stop.

I know children come into this world innocent and capable of becoming anyone they desire to be.  They should have that chance, a fair chance at becoming.  I'm lucky to be my age with my experience bringing my son into the world.  I know my potential and daily rise to it.  With so many moms being so young, their potential to become is minimized for a time and some for a really long time because their focus has to or at least should be their child.  For some the potential becomes completely lost as multiple children are born to that same mother.  Poverty, then, becomes an almost impossible obstacle to her becoming and even the growth of her children.  It's time for moms to be given the tools and education they need to become the moms their sons and daughters need them to be, not just for the child's sake but for the mother's as well.  She deserves a chance to become her best self so she can help realize that in the life of her child(ren).

I remember reading a quote by Malcolm X that, with me paraphrasing, said, "The education of a child begins 20 years earlier with the education of their mother."  Let me add the education of their father as well.  (I believe others have said something similar but don't get me to lying.)  If neither one of them has gained an education beyond high school then how far will that child go?  What level of education will they be able to raise that child to if they don't or haven't viewed education as important themselves?  And if those parents or that mom feels that she has missed or is missing out on all the "fun" that her friends are having then how focused will she be on that child and making sure he/she has a better life than she did?  If she is poverty stricken, because there is no being poor once you have a child, then the odds of her success are not in her favor. We see the affects of uneducated and untrained parent daily reflected through the behaviors of their children.

The war on the impoverished has to end.  "Motherhood and childhood ARE entitled to special care and assistance."  And it's time to make that happen.  If I have to do it with my two hands alone, I will.  But I already know I don't have to.  I am just in the process of gathering.  There are other like-minded people who are out there and I know I'll get a chance to find out who they are.  I hope you will be one who joins me, supports me and/or prays for me. 

This coming week I'll be out and about visiting different people, organizations and businesses to wish them a Happy Human Rights Day (even though the date has passed) and talk about my mission for this year.  What I am looking to make happen is to be in a minimum of 4 locations between Thursday, December 17, 2015 and Saturday, January 9, 2016 to sell items I've made and invested in and talk about my mission for the coming year.  Stay with me for more details.  They are coming soon.  Create a beautiful day.  Peace, Love and God's continued blessings.  Always...(s.m.i.l.e.)


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