Sagacious Saturday: Do You Know Momma Kai?

Do You Know Momma Kai? Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. If this is your first time, please know how much I appreciate you being here. If you've been here before, thank you again for trusting there is something here worth your time. Can I start out with being vulnerable? It's been a doozie of a year already. I don't throw the year away though. I'm inspired that with so many challenges to begin with, I'm being refined for greater things. I like the way Take 6 sings it when they say, "the race is not given to the swift or the strong but the one who endures to the end". It's based on Ecclesiastes 9:11. Some days have definitely felt like I was just enduring, trying to make it to the end of the day to sleep it off and try again the next. But, honestly, most days I've been more than enduring. Even though it's been a trying and tiring time, I wouldn't change it if I could. I woul...