Introducing The NEW Emancipation Proclamation LIVE Video Series
Welcome Back! I'm working on consistency. All the messages in my head from presentations by random business coaches presenting at different meetings I've attended in the last little while say "consistency is key". So this is me being consistent. Mostly because there is soooooo much information to introduce the NEW Emancipation Proclamation that it is insane to think I can do it all in one sitting. It was overwhelming to think about. That's when the messages came to be consistent and do a little at a time. And here we are... doing a LIVE series... in the midst of a epic health crisis... declaring I have the answers to systemic racism, poverty, modern day slavery, the new Jim Crow and police brutality! Well... I do! God gave them to me. I did the research and God revealed how to compile what I know to make a significant difference in the lives of ALL people regardless of color. Crazy huh? W ell... it depends on who you talk to. I don't think it's crazy (...