
Freedom Friday: The Definition of Insanity

The Definition of Insanity Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here.  I need to admit, this is not the post I had planned. It's not even in the timeframe I had planned for. I have 3 or 4 posts that are in my drafts, waiting to be finished so they can be posted. But after the way this week has played out and all the information my brain has been processing, it is time for this post.  As I have slowly been moving forward to becoming the next mayor of Raleigh and having been inundated with so much  information,  yesterday  God said "you need to do a post called "The Definition of Insanity'". I know for sure that one of the reasons is because this election season is soooooooo critical. Have you ever heard the "definition of insanity"? It's not what you will find when you look in the dictionary. It's a saying I've heard repeated for decades. If you don't know it, the saying goes, &qu

Momma's Monday: Leading with Compassion and Neuroscience

Leading with Compassion and Neuroscience Welcome and welcome back. Happy Monday. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. Happy Labor Day. For some of you, that might be Laboring Day.  No matter how you're celebrating, i t's an exciting time to be alive. There is a lot going on in the world and I'm grateful for where I am right now in my journey. Do  you know I'm going to be the next mayor of Raleigh? Yes, I'm talking about this year.  Now if you look on the Board of Elections website you will not find my name to confirm this information... yet. That’s because I didn’t file to run... yet. Because I didn't file during the filing period (that puts my name on the ballot), when I do register... this week... I will run as a write-in candidate. Yes, that does increase the likelihood that I will NOT win. I admit it so it’s noted when I overcome it. Now technically some would suggest I'm "behind the 8 ball". I mean I have

Let's Talk Tuesday: Joe continued

Joe (continued) Photo caption: If you saw the post from yesterday, this is the dolly Joe was pushing in the back of my car. Please don't judge the mess! Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here.  I did a short post about Joe yesterday and I'm going to continue today simply because his story is as fascinating as it is heartbreaking. I don't normally highlight other unhoused people because I meet so many of them. And I generally don't meet them at the beginning of their journey. I met Joe probably a few days after he left the last place he lived, a house right around the corner from Jaycee Park. I noticed he had stuff locked up at the corner of the pavilion. The dolly in the video (shown above, now in my car), plus some other items.  He left them there thinking the park was a safe place to leave them as he came and went. Sadly, h e would come to find out that wasn't true.  Joe had lived in the same place for

Momma's Monday: Joe

Joe Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise . Thank you for being here. This is Joe. He's coming out of the woods with the dolly he stored there. I originally introduced myself to him because it had originally been locked up on the corner of the pavilion with some of his other belongings. This is not normal activity for someone who's homeless so I introduced myself. That was about 3 weeks ago. His story is heartbreaking. He had to hide the dolly in the woods, along with what's left of what he had. A lot was taken. I took it with me to put in my car. As I've mentioned in the past, Wisdom and I panhandle. Tonight we're panhandling for Joe. He had a visit from ACORNS today and there's nothing they can do right now. Nothing is immediate except cash in the hand so tonight is for Joe. If you're in a position to help please contribute here: . Please put "Joe" in the notes

Wisdom Wednesday: Someone Called CPS On Me

Someone Called CPS On Me Welcome and welcome back. It’s another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here. This is not what I planned for my next blog post. In fact, yesterday I started writing one called “Raleigh First Black Female Mayor”. Because that's what I plan to accomplish this year. You will not find my name listed because I'll be running as a write-in candidate. My treasurer is taking the course now but since I haven't spent any money I don't have to file for my finance committee. There's also this fact that I don't want to run on what I'd like to do. My goal is to run and win based on what I have done and people desiring to see change on the municipal level to support those changes. I'll leave that there for now to address the imagine.  Yes, it’s true. Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, 8/6/2024) I got a call from a friend who works at Wegmans, where I recently admitted on one of my blog posts that me and my son were panhandling

Sagacious Saturday: Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished Welcome and welcome back ☀️. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here. This card made me cry. We were standing at our spot and this young lady drove up to where we were and stopped. Wisdom likes to go to the cars because he remembers to give out the bubbles we offer as a way to say thank you. She handed him the card, wouldn’t take the bubbles (not unusual), smiled, waved as I said “thank you” and drove away. I asked Wisdom if he wanted to open the card and he did. As you saw, the outside says “thank you very much”. All of the inside is handwritten: the words, the smiley faces, the stars and the other decorations. When I saw the words, “You are needed” tears immediately ran down my cheeks.  I couldn’t get them to stop. I just bowed my head and kept wiping. Wisdom came up to me and said, “you’re emotional.” He hugged me as I nodded. I Love my superhero. I’m getting emotional now just writing about it. Compassion manifests in so ma

Freedom Friday: Compassion

Compassion  Welcome and welcome back. It's another amazing day in paradise 🤩. Thank you so much for being here.  This is our most recent panhandling sign. As you probably can tell it folds in half and I can use whichever side we need. We normally use the side that says “All $$ appreciated”. Lately I’ve been using “Collecting for 2 nights in a hotel”. It conveniently folds down even further so I can tuck it in my bag to carry it.  We had saved enough to pay for 3 nights in advance. I was trying to get 5 full days. We're on day 4 and will go out again this morning to see if we can get enough to pay for one more night. This is how we REALLY homeless! And it is the most appropriate, yet incredibly vulnerable, way to explain compassion. Compassion by definition courtesy of is “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.”  Panhandling is the way I’ve chosen to use to meet o