Freedom Friday: The Definition of Insanity
The Definition of Insanity Welcome and welcome back! It's another amazing day in paradise. Thank you so much for being here. I need to admit, this is not the post I had planned. It's not even in the timeframe I had planned for. I have 3 or 4 posts that are in my drafts, waiting to be finished so they can be posted. But after the way this week has played out and all the information my brain has been processing, it is time for this post. As I have slowly been moving forward to becoming the next mayor of Raleigh and having been inundated with so much information, yesterday God said "you need to do a post called "The Definition of Insanity'". I know for sure that one of the reasons is because this election season is soooooooo critical. Have you ever heard the "definition of insanity"? It's not what you will find when you look in the dictionary. It's a saying I've heard repeated for decades. If you don't know it, the saying goes, ...