Being Tenaciously Hopeful in the Midst of Great Instability

You're probably here because you received a card from me or my son or perhaps someone passed it on to you. THANK YOU for being willing to find out a little more about us. In case you saw my sign but didn't get to read the whole thing, this is what it says: "If one advances confidently in the direction of [their] dreams, and endeavors to live the life [they have] imagined [they] will meet with a success unexpected in common hours." -Henry David Thoreau Here's the one my son had: My name is Kara Lynn Sanders. Most people know me as Kai. My son's name is "Wisdom, Wisdom Chance" as he is often known to say. A little about "being tenaciously hopeful in the midst of great instability"... the quote says it all! Our housing situation is unstable much like many others. BUT... even in the midst of our trial, we pressing forward to achieve our mission: to change the world for good, starting with addressing the causes and c...